Shop Local Belle Plaine Business Directory
To help support all Belle Plaine area businesses and business owners, the Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce has created a Shop Local Business Directory open to businesses owned by Belle Plaine residents, whether it is brick and mortar, home-based, custom creations, or direct distributor. To apply to list your business or to make corrections to a listed business, please click HERE.
All other businesses may be listed annually at $100 for Chamber membership. If you are interested in becoming a Chamber member, to learn more, please click HERE.
*Chamber members are in bold
Advertising, Media & Promotional Products
The Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce | PO Box 721 | belleplainechamber@gmail.com | belleplainechamber.com | Facebook
The Belle Plaine News | PO Box 128 | (620) 488-2234 | newsbelleplaine@gmail.com | belleplainenews.com | Facebook
Fresh Prints of Belle Plaine | PO Box 676 | (888) 231-5231 | info@freshprintsofvelleplaine.com | freshprintsofbelleplaine.com
Narron Aerial Photography | Facebook
Agriculture, Farm Supply, Feed & Seed
Farmers Co-op Grain Association | 125 S. Lincoln | (620) 488-3537 | http://www.cscoop.net | Facebook
Hisken Ag Supply | Doug Hisken | 1459 E. 60th Ave N. | (620) 326-0543
Rausch Seed | 937 N. Railroad Dr. | (620) 488-3939
Zimmerman Ag Service | Pioneer Seed | Rylan Zimmerman | (620) 440-7780 | rylan.zimmerman@plantpioneer.com | Facebook
Reimagined - Local Artisans and Vintage Treasures Shop | 406 N Logan St | re.imagine1965@gmail.com | Facebook
Wray Auction Service & Antique Shop | 230 W. 5th Ave | (620) 488-3836 | wrayauction.com | Facebook
Belle Plaine Apartments | 415 N. Main St. | (620) 488-3245
Breckenridge | 707 N. Merchant St. | (316)747-2374
Northview Heights Apartments | 1100 English Court | (620) 488-2785
Arts and Entertainment
Jodi Arts | Jodi.Rose13@gmail.com | Facebook | Instagram
Bartlett Arboretum | 301 N Line St. | PO Box 871 | (620) 488-3451 | info@bartlettarboretum.com | bartlettarboretum.com | Facebook
Belle Plaine Historical Museum | 204 W 5th Ave | P.O. Box 25 | (620-488-5488 | bpmuseum@sktc.net | Facebook
Ken Patterson Auctioneer, Realtor | 415 E 4th St | (620) 218-1713 | kenpattersonauctions.com | Facebook
Wray Auction Service & Antique Shopp | 230 W 5th Ave | (620) 488-3836 | wrayauction.com | Facebook

Automotive Repair & Parts | Willie Sinsel | 410 N Merchant St | (620) 488-3583
Hutch N Sons Auto Detail | 408 N Logan St | (620) 507-7717 | hutchnsons.detail@gmail.com | Facebook
Sam’s LLC | Sam McKenney | 203 W 4th Ave | PO Box 29 | (620) 440-2945 | Facebook
Winter Car Wash | 300 E 5th Ave
Business Services
Sunset Solutions, LLC | Kelli Chrisco | 440 N Merchant, STE 100 | (316) 469-6474 | Facebook
Child Care
Boggs Family Daycare | Melissa Boggs | 985 E. 126th Ave N | (620) 605-2495 | boggsdaycare@gmail.com | Facebook
Christmas Light Installers
SJC Lights, LLC | Scott Cyr | sjclights@gmail.com | Facebook
Belle Plaine Ministerial Alliance | 124 E 10th | (620) 488-3422
Belle Plaine Church of Christ | 920 Foulk Dr | 620-488-2417 | churchofchristbp@gmail.com | belleplainechurchofchrist.com | Facebook
Belle Plaine First Baptist Church | 612 N Linden | 620-488-3333 | fbcbp@sktc.net | fbcbp.com | Facebook
Belle Plaine Global Methodist Church | 124 E 10th | 620-488-3422 | belleplaineumc.wordpress.com | bpumc@gmail.com | Facebook
City of Belle Plaine
City of Belle Plaine Kansas | (620) 488-3433 | cityofbp@bpks.org | bpks.org | Facebook
Belle Plaine Community Center | 528 N Merchant | PO Box 157 | (620) 488-5335 | cityofbp@bpks.org | bpks.org | Facebook
Belle Plaine Public Library | 222 W 5th Ave | (620) 488-3431 | bplib@sktc.net | belleplaine.scklslibrary.info | Facebook
Little Library & Little Pantry Box | Belle Plaine Community Center | 528 N Merchant | Facebook
Community Resources
Belle Plaine Chamber | Community Page
Construction & Contractors
Ames Home Services | Jeremy Ames | (316) 303-7483 | Facebook
Claude R. Jenkins & Sons Construction | (620) 488-3346 | crjandsons@sktc.net | Facebook
Knight Construction Services LLC | Shane A Klindt | (620) 440-7225 | Shane@knightconstructioncorp.
Legendary Custom Construction | Anthony Patterson | (316) 665-2543 | anthonypatterson163@gmail.com | Facebook
Old World Textures | Jerry Crumley | (316) 390-0582 | oldworldtextures.com | Facebook
Scot George Construction LLC | Scot George | Facebook
Skyline Painting & Construction | Chris Renner | (316) 993-9627 | skylinepaintingict@gmail.com | crconstructionict.com | Facebook
Custom, Handmade & Personalized Creations
Ellis Island Farm | Michelle Ellis | 431 N Merchant St | Facebook
IST Laser Engraving | (316) 734-3896 | istfirearm@gmail.com | istlaseringraving.com | Facebook
Jericho Farms | Goat Soap | Facebook
Kelly Creations and Boutique | Holly Kelly | 402 N Merchant | (316) 706-7160 | Website | Facebook
Ken's Woodworking and Designs | (316) 409-9919 | Kenswoodworkinganddesigns@yahoo.com | Facebook
Magnolia Jane Originals | Kathy Riley | (817) 739-2226 | magnoliajaneoriginals@gmail.com | Website | Facebook
Reimagined - Local Artisans and Vintage Treasures Shop | 406 N Logan St | re.imagine1965@gmail.com | Facebook
Resin Shine | Kathy Gann | (316) 253-5206 | kathy.gann69@gmail.com | Facebook
Water Horse Boutique | Tila Holloway | waterhorseboutique@yahoo.com | Website | Facebook
Whiskey + Timber Artisan Woodworking | Kory Whitmore | (316) 778-9661 | whiskeytimberllc@gmail.com | Facebook
Orion Diploma Completion Belle Plaine | 801 N Main St | (620) 488-5638 | oriondiplomacompletion.org/belleplaine | Facebook
Direct Sales
Mary Kay | Jamie Mills Morgan Teeple | (512) 228-7020
Valley State Bank | 502 N Merchant St | (620) 488-2211 | support@valleystatebank.com | valleystatebank.com | Facebook
Warren Tax Service | 439 N Merchant St | (620) 488-3966
Prairieland Payments, LLC | 1127 N Seneca Rd | (316) 677-7290 | prairielandpayments@gmail.com | prairielandpayments.com
Food & Drink
Barner Senior Center Friendship Meals | 500 N Logan | (620) 488-2945 | Facebook
Bread N Sweet Treats | (316) 209-7367 | jewels@breadsnsweettreats.com | Facebook
Casey’s General Store | 400 N Logan St | (620) 488-3487
Ellis Island Farm | Michelle Ellis | 431 N Merchant St | Facebook
David’s Diner | 2203 W 5th Ave | (620) 488-5332 | Facebook
The Mystic Kitchen | Lori Klein | 402 N Merchant St | (316) 706-9863 | MysticKitchen70@gmail.com | Facebook
The NoWhere Grill | Kelly Lyons | 400 E 4th Ave | (620) 488-5000 | contactus@thenowheregrill.com | Facebook
Food Trucks
Honey & Rue's | (316) 806-4502 | honeyruesfruitpizzeria@gmail.com | Facebook
Funeral Homes
Hatfield Smith Funeral Home | 219 W. 2nd Ave | (620) 488-3334 | If no answer call (316) 788-2828
Gas & Convenience
Casey’s General Store | 400 N Logan St | (620) 488-3487
Hair Salons, Barber & Spas
Ali Katz Hair and Nail Salon | 211 W 5th Ave | (316) 641-1253 | s.brown107@yahoo.com | Facebook
Clipper & Co. Hair Salon | Ashtan Zimmerman | 402 N Merchant | (620) 200-7873 | ashtan10@hotmail.com | clipperco-hair-salon.square.site | Instagram | Facebook
Massage Time | Tammie McDow | (620) 488-3191
The Cottage | Tina Ast | 1150 E 110th Ave | (620) 488-2878
Hardware & Lumber
Rothgeb Belle Plaine Lumber | 415 N Logan | (620) 488-5862 | rothgebbplumber@sktc.net | Facebook

Hauling, Scrap & Trash Removal
CWC Hauling & Trash Removal | Cody Custer | (316) 518-8623 | c.custer1187@yahoo.com | Facebook
Hauling and Scrap Removal | David Crumrine | (620) 359-2153 | Facebook
Health, Medical Training & Supplies
Hickok & Associates (Laboratories) | 1187 N Oliver Rd | (620) 488-2860
Traveling CPR | (620) 968-7152 | travelingcpr@outlook.com | travelingcpr.com | Facebook
Home Services
Albert’s Custom Door Company | Albert Enochs | 1925 East Blake, Wichita KS 67211 | (316) 516-1000 | albertscustomdoor@yahoo.com | acdoor.net | Facebook
ARC Electric | Derick Clark | (316) 641-2578 | arcelectric.clark@gmail.com | Facebook
Central Roofing Services, LLC | Matt Green | 429 N Merchant St | (316) 409-5003 | crswichita@gmail.com | centralroofingservice.com
I Am Inspections LLC | Gage Bryan | 316-308-0775 | IAmInspectionsLLC@gmail.com
JTR Fence Co. | Joel Rouse | (620) 440-0133 | Facebook
Logan Street Fine Wood Products | 220 S. Logan | (620) 488-3117 | loganst@me.com | Loganstreet.net | Facebook
Old World Textures | Jerry Crumley | (316) 390-0582 | oldworldtextures.com | Facebook
SJC Lights, LLC | Scott Cyr | sjclights@gmail.com | Facebook
Skyline Painting & Construction | Chris Renner | (316) 993-9627 | skylinepaintingict@gmail.com | crconstructionict.com | Facebook
Holly Ryherd-Souders & Associates Insurance Services | Holly Ryherd-Souders | 250 N Rock Rd, Ste 300 K | Wichita KS 67206 | (316) 682-1791 | hollyryherd@gmail.com | hollyryherd.com | Facebook
Shelter Insurance | Ken Gooch | 415 E 4th Ave | PO Box 785 | (620) 488-3350 | KenGooch@ShelterInsurance.com | shelterinsurance.com/CA/agent/KENGOOCH | Facebook
Tri-County Insurance Center | 407 N Merchant | (620) 488-3831 | tricoagy@sktc.net | tricountyinsurancekansas.com | Facebook
Internet Services
Twin Valley | 112 S. Lee Ave | Clearwater, KS 67026 | (800) 515-3311 | twinvalley.com | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn
Law Offices
Kelly Law Offices | 402 N Merchant St | (620) 488-3123
Lawn Services
Belle Plaine Plaine Area Lawn | Facebook
M & N Lawn Service | Tim DeShazer | (620) 507-7288 | deshazert@sktc.net | Facebook
Scott Lawn & Land Services | Trent Scott | 310 E 4th Ave | (316) 708-9468 | scottlawnandland@gmail.com | Facebook
Manufacturing and Production
Bindery Express | 421 N Merchant St | (316) 944-8163 | bindfine@aol.com | Facebook| Book Binding Services
Forming Specialist Inc. | 1215 Industrial Dr | (620) 488-3243
Heartland Manufacturing | 440 N Merchant St | (620) 488-5301
Kansas Castings Inc. | 508 Industrial Drive | (620) 488-2282 | orders@kansascastings.com
Metal Forming Inc. | 305 S Farmer | (620) 488-3930
Nungesser Racing & Engineering | 502 E 4th Ave | (620) 488-3688
The Belle Plaine News | PO Box 128 | (620) 488-2234 | newsbelleplaine@gmail.com | belleplainenews.com | Facebook
Notary Services
City of Belle Plaine Kansas | (620) 488-3433 | cityofbp@bpks.org | bpks.org | Facebook
Kelli Chrisco, REALTOR® | Brokered by Real Broker, LLC | 440 N Merchant, STE 100 | (316) 469-6474 | kelli.chrisco@gmail.com | onereal.com/kelli-chrisco | Facebook
Monica Barton - Mobile Notary | (316) 833-0072 | monicaharp81@gmail.com | Facebook
Valley State Bank | 502 N Merchant St | (620) 488-2211 | support@valleystatebank.com | valleystatebank.com | Facebook
Office Space
The Kelly Building | 402 N Merchant | 488-3331
Outdoors and Sporting Supplies
Shady Creek Sporting Clays | 1252 N Oliver Rd | (316) 210-4334 | Shoot@ShadyCreekClays.com | shadycreekclays.com | Facebook
Ashley Metler Photography | Ashley Meitler | 402 N Merchant | (316) 285-0408 | ashleymetlerphotography@gmail.com | Ashleymetlerphotography.wordpress.com | Facebook | Instagram | Fine Art Pet Photography
CreekChick Photography | (316) 282-6436 | cswaney603@gmail.com | Facebook
Jolene’s Creative Designs | Jolene Blackwell | (316) 200-0821 | jolenesphotography@gmail.com | Facebook
Narron Aerial Photography | Facebook
Trinisty Joy Photography | Trinisty Joy | trinistyjoyphotography@gmail.com | trinistyjoyphotography.com | Facebook
UrbanLumi Photo + Film | Ashley Whitmore | 116 N Oliver St | Wichita KS 67208 | (316) 302-5440 | hello@ashleybassphotography.com | urbanlumi.com | Facebook
Wandering Rebel Photography | Salena Rotz | (620) 968-7508 | halflite90@yahoo.com | Facebook
Real Estate
Cathy Sheets, JP Weigand & Sons | (620) 488-2785 | csheets@weigand.com | cathysheets.weigand.com | Facebook
Julie Gooch, JP Weigand & Sons | 415 E 4th Ave | (620) 326-0626 | JulieG@weigand.com | juliegooch.weigand.com | Facebook
Kelli Chrisco, REALTOR® | Brokered by Real Broker, LLC | 440 N Merchant, STE 100 | (316) 469-6474 | kelli.chrisco@gmail.com | onereal.com/kelli-chrisco | Facebook
Sunni Goentzel, Kansas Realtor, JP Weigand & Sons | 415 E 4th Ave | PO Box 368 | (316) 217-0217 | sunni@weigand.com |
sunni.weigand.com | Facebook
Todd Crum, JP Weigand & Sons | (816) 728-6629 | tcrum@weigand.com | toddcrum.weigand.com
Belle Plaine Community Center Fitness Center | 528 N Merchant | PO Box 157 | (620) 488-3433 | cityofbp@bpks.org | bpks.org | Facebook
Belle Plaine Municipal Pool | 110 E 3rd Ave | (620) 488-5511
Morely Field | 5th and Logan
Rental Properties
Thora Bean | (620) 488-2523
Belle Plaine Valley Mobile Home Park | 10th and Sumner | (316) 619-9878 | Facebook
Jon Bristor | (620) 488-2466
Gary Burkhart | (620) 456-2565
Charles Gibson | (316) 253-9737
Julie Gooch, JP Weigand & Sons | 415 E 4th Ave | (620) 326-0626 | JulieG@weigand.com | juliegooch.weigand.com | Facebook
Greg Harlan | (316) 516-3788
David/Teresa Heater | (620) 968-7452
Rick Hopper | (620) 229-3590
Cheryl Johnson | (913) 238-1828
K. Lawrence | (620) 434-5366
Sandra/Julio Lazcano | (316) 777-1918
Sharon Lewis | (620) 488-5300
Sam/Ruth Nelson | (620) 488-3800
Sheila Peck (316) 393-2124
Ron Pomeroy (620) 488-3628
Cathy Sheets, JP Weigand & Sons | (620) 488-2785 | csheets@weigand.com | cathysheets.weigand.com | Facebook
Phillip/Fay Taylor | (620) 488-2805
Janis Tedman | (620) 777-4067
Claude Turner | (620) 283-8131
Jack Turner | (620) 488-3245
Tila Varga | (316) 990-7993
Doug Vargas | (620) 488-3859
Chris/Ashley Zoglmann | (620) 488-3415
Restaurants & Dining
Barner Senior Center Friendship Meals | 500 N Logan | (620) 488-2945 | Facebook
Casey’s General Store | 400 N Logan St | (620) 488-3487
David’s Diner | 2203 W 5th Ave | (620) 488-5332 | Facebook
The Mystic Kitchen | Lori Klein | 402 N Merchant St | (316) 706-9863 | MysticKitchen70@gmail.com | Facebook
The NoWhere Grill | Kelly Lyons | 400 E 4th Ave | (620) 488-5000 | contactus@thenowheregrill.com | Facebook
Casey’s General Store | 400 N Logan St | (620) 488-3487
Dollar General | 305 E 11th St | (620) 488-6423
Ellis Island Farm | Michelle Ellis | 431 N Merchant St | Facebook
Phipps Farm | Highway 81 & Highway 55 | Facebook | Seasonal Home Grown Produce
Reimagined - Local Artisans and Vintage Treasures Shop | 406 N Logan St | re.imagine1965@gmail.com | Facebook
Rothgeb Belle Plaine Lumber | 415 N Logan | (620) 488-5862 | rothgebbplumber@sktc.net | Facebook
Wray Auction Service & Antique Shop | 230 W 5th Ave | (620) 488-3836 | wrayauction.com | Facebook

Scissor Masters | 723 N. Sumner | (620) 488-3638
Cathy Sheets, JP Weigand & Sons | 415 E 4th Ave | (620) 488-2785 | csheets@weigand.com | cathysheets.weigand.com | Facebook
Harlan Properties | 500 N Washington | 316-516-3788
Hunter Storage | 418 N Washington | (316) 768-0554 | (316) 706-3450 | Facebook
Sandell Storage | 620-326-7281
TWR Enterprizes | 423 N Washington | (620) 488-2400
Muddy River Taxidermy | 1001 E 90th Ave N | (316) 516-2832 | muddyrivertaxidermy.com
Travel Agents
Artemis Destinations | Jamie Mills | (512) 228-7020 | artemisdestinations@outlook.com | evotravelagent.com/artemisdestinations | Facebook | Instagram
Welders & Welding
Mobile Welding Service | David Crumrine | (620) 359-2153 | Facebook
Skyline Painting & Construction | Chris Renner | (316) 993-9627 | skylinepaintingict@gmail.com | crconstructionict.com | Facebook
Windshield Repair
Bob’s Mobile Glass | 318 N Linden | (316) 734-3388
Wrecker Service
Mike’s LLC | 203 W 4th Ave | (620) 488-3524 | Instagram