222 W 5th St
Belle Plaine, Kansas 67013

Belle Plaine Public Library

Courtesy of the Belle Plaine Public Library.

The mission of the Belle Plaine Public Library is to provide popular, high-interest resources to meet the educational, recreational and informational needs of community residents.

View the library catalog here: https://belleplaine.biblionix.com/catalog/

Visit us during open hours to get a library card so you can sign in to access more features.

A day at the library.
Courtesy of the Belle Plaine Public Library.

We have a great variety of resources for the public to use:
• Fiction and Non-Fiction books for all ages
• DVD check-outs
• magazine check-outs
• Wilton cake pan check-outs
• 4 public computers for internet use
• color printer
• black and white copy machine
• microfilm machine and Belle Plaine News archives
• Kansas/Belle Plaine history and resources
• seating areas for reading or internet use
• free wi-fi 24 hours day/7 days week