Belle Plaine USD 357
District Office | 719 N. Main | PO Box 760 | 620-488-2288 | usd357.org | Facebook
Elementary School (Pre K-4th) | 614 N Merchant | 620-488-2617 | bpes.usd357.org | Facebook
Middle School (5th - 8th) | 614 N Merchant | 620-488-2222 | bpms.usd357.org | Facebook | Twitter
High School (9th – 12th) | 820 N Merchant | 620-488-2421 | bphs.usd357.org | Facebook | Twitter
Belle Plaine Board of Education | Board Members | usd357.org BOE
Belle Plaine Dragons Booster Club | Facebook
Belle Plaine High School Alumni Association | belleplainealumni.com | Facebook
Belle Plaine PTO | pto@usd357.org | usd357.org PTO | Facebook | Meetings are 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Middle School Library August through May
Dragon Prints | 901 N. Main | (620) 488-5630 | dragonprints@usd357.org | Facebook | Signs & Banner Service, Clothing Store