Asher the Dragon, Belle Plaine's Downtown Festival Mascot.
Installing Christmas lights at the Belle Plaine City Park.

If you would like your club, organization, or volunteer group listed on Meet Your Neighbors or to correct the information posted, please click HERE.

Barner Center Friendship Meals | 500 N. Logan St | (620) 488-2945 | Monday thru Friday 11:00 am–1:00 pm | Facebook

Belle Plaine Activities Committee | | Meeting 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 6:00 pm at the Belle Plaine Historical Museum

Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | PO Box 721 | | | Facebook | Meetings 1st Monday of the Month at 6:30 pm at Belle Plaine Community Center

Belle Plaine Community Foundation | PO Box 285 | (620) 221-7224 | | Facebook

Belle Plaine Connections | | Facebook

Belle Plaine’s Downtown Festival | PO Box 721 | | | Facebook | Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 6:30 pm at Belle Plaine Community Center

Belle Plaine Dragon Booster Club | belleplaineboosterclub@gmail.comFacebook

Belle Plaine FFA | Facebook

Belle Plaine High School Alumni Association | Cassie Murray | (620) 488-3278

Belle Plaine Historical Museum | 204 W Fifth Ave | PO Box 25 | (620) 488-5488 | | Facebook | Meetings 4th Thursday of the Month at Belle Plaine Historical Museum 7:00 pm | Looking for volunteer researchers

Belle Plaine Junior League | (316) 617-8482 | | Facebook | Fall sports for 6th grade and under. Football, cheer, and volleyball

Belle Plaine Library Board | 222 W. 5th Ave | (620) 488-3431 | Facebook | Meetings are held at the Library on 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm

Belle Plaine Parks and Recreation Commission | | | Facebook | Meetings 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center

Belle Plaine PTO | | PTO | Facebook | Meetings are 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Middle School Library from August through May

Belle Plaine Rocks | Facebook

Belle Plaine Women’s Club | Facebook | Meetings September through March 1st Thursday at 1:15 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center

Buccaneers 4-H Club | Facebook | Meetings 1st Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center

Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts | Laurie Stone | (620) 488-2788

Ministerial Alliance | 124 E. 10th Ave | (620) 488-3422 | Wednesday 4:00 pm-8:00 pm (excludes 2nd Wednesday), Thursday 10:00 am to Noon, or by appointment. The churches of Belle Plaine, the Belle Plaine Schools, and many local organizations provide assistance.