If you would like your club, organization, or volunteer group listed on Meet Your Neighbors or to correct the information posted, please click HERE.
Barner Center Friendship Meals | 500 N. Logan St | (620) 488-2945 | Monday thru Friday 11:00 am–1:00 pm | Facebook
Belle Plaine Activities Committee | bpac67013@gmail.com | Meeting 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 6:00 pm at the Belle Plaine Historical Museum
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | PO Box 721 | belleplainechamber@gmail.com | belleplainechamber.com | Facebook | Meetings 1st Monday of the Month at 6:30 pm at Belle Plaine Community Center
Belle Plaine Community Foundation | PO Box 285 | (620) 221-7224 | belleplainecommunityfoundation.org | Facebook
Belle Plaine Connections | belleplaineconnections@gmail.com | Facebook
Belle Plaine’s Downtown Festival | PO Box 721 | belleplainefestival@gmail.com | belleplainefestival.com | Facebook | Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 6:30 pm at Belle Plaine Community Center
Belle Plaine Dragon Booster Club | belleplaineboosterclub@gmail.com | Facebook
Belle Plaine FFA | Facebook
Belle Plaine High School Alumni Association | Cassie Murray | (620) 488-3278
Belle Plaine Historical Museum | 204 W Fifth Ave | PO Box 25 | (620) 488-5488 | bpmuseum@sktc.net | Facebook | Meetings 4th Thursday of the Month at Belle Plaine Historical Museum 7:00 pm | Looking for volunteer researchers
Belle Plaine Junior League | (316) 617-8482 | Bpjl67013@gmail.com | Facebook | Fall sports for 6th grade and under. Football, cheer, and volleyball
Belle Plaine Library Board | 222 W. 5th Ave | (620) 488-3431 | Facebook | Meetings are held at the Library on 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm
Belle Plaine Parks and Recreation Commission | info@bpparksandrecreation.com | bpparksandrecreation.com | Facebook | Meetings 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center
Belle Plaine PTO | pto@usd357.org | usd357.org PTO | Facebook | Meetings are 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Middle School Library from August through May
Belle Plaine Rocks | Facebook
Belle Plaine Women’s Club | Facebook | Meetings September through March 1st Thursday at 1:15 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center
Buccaneers 4-H Club | Facebook | Meetings 1st Tuesday at 7:00 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center
Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts | Laurie Stone | (620) 488-2788
Ministerial Alliance | 124 E. 10th Ave | (620) 488-3422 | Wednesday 4:00 pm-8:00 pm (excludes 2nd Wednesday), Thursday 10:00 am to Noon, or by appointment. The churches of Belle Plaine, the Belle Plaine Schools, and many local organizations provide assistance.