Monthly Chamber Meeting Minutes
June 2024 Board Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce Board minutes
June 13, 2024
Chair Matt Lyons appointed officers. He kept Jeff Cox as president, appointed Kelli Chrisco as vice-president, appointed Tina Friend as secretary, and kept Cindy Lawrey as treasurer.
Kelli and Cindy will handle webpage and social media.
It was stated that board meetings are ad hoc with no agenda.
Moving forward, professional behavior will be expected from all members. If needed, due to unprofessional behavior, a member can be ousted.
Definition of offices:
• President - oversees committees
• Vice-president – on call to president
• Secretary – takes minutes and create agenda for quarterly meeting of full body
• Treasurer – bookkeeping
• Chair – in charge of all officers
Kelli asked to change focus of chamber events.
Need to communicate with school about advertising at Halloween parade handouts.
Have “after hours” events at chamber businesses.
Not bankrolling marketing, we’re networking.
Make 30 second video for SuCo Boutique Crawl July 1-31.
Question was asked if we want to split Downtown Festival off from Chamber.
Considering Kansas Star fundraising; should it be solely Festival fundraising? If not, how to split between Chamber and Festival?
Question was asked if Chamber and Business Network Luncheon should merge. This needs to be addressed by Kelly Lyons. If she is favor, this will be discussed at next board meeting.
4 th of July event was discussed, and concerns were raised about whether Chamber had adequate liability insurance, and if City needed to cover liability also.
Matt motioned and Jeff seconded to not sanction 4 th of July event this year (2024).
Motion passed
Cindy motioned and Tina seconded that drafts need to made of protocols for Chamber events. Drafts will be discussed at next board meeting.
motion passed
Matt motioned to adjourn and Cindy seconded at 8:43 pm.
June 2024 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting June 3, 2024
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Bill Berry, Kelli Chrisco, Jeff Cox, Logan Cox, Scott Cyr, Michelle Ellis, Michele Enochs, Kirsten Enochs, Allison Everhart, Tina Friend, Kami Hatfield, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Lori Klein, Cindy Lawrey, Kelly Lyons, Matt Lyons, Cathy Sheets, Larry Simpson, James Stambaugh, Bevan Stephens, and Deborah Waggoner Guests Matt Hutchison, Debra Macy, and Annette Simpson
Introductions Members introduced themselves.
Minutes March 4, 2024
Financial Report Treasurer Cindy Lawrey stated the current account balance was $12,807.47. Some Downtown Festival invoices remain to be paid and festival financial details would be discussed at an upcoming festival financial meeting.
Approval of Minutes and Financial Report Cathy Sheets motioned to accept the minutes and financial report. Matt Lyons seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, secretary, stated minor maintenance and updates had been performed on the website. Members were reminded to check out the website and make sure their information is up-to-date.
Marketing Committee Cathy Sheets passed out the marketing flyer for review. She stated she paid for printing but did not have the final approval of the chamber. Businesses can have as many as they want to put in their businesses. Cathy said they were postcard-sized and could be mailed out. Teresa Heater suggested the back could have also listed Chamber members.
Cathy stated that Tina Friend had offered a piece of her property to host another chamber sign. She also said Robin Macy offered to help pay for and design one or both chamber signs (Highway 81 and Tina Friend’s).
Cathy said the marketing committee’s job is done and has dissolved it. She said if the chamber wants to create another one, she is good with that.
Guest Debra Macy, chairperson of the transportation project committee spoke about the goals and how it could help many in the Belle Plaine community. The project is similar to the Wellington WALT and the Derby Dash and she is working with and learning from other communities similar in size to Belle Plaine that have a program for getting people to appointments and other necessary trips who cannot drive themselves
They are working with transport and grant groups to help write grants to cover costs as they do not want taxes used for the project. A survey will be posted at the city building, businesses, city website, and other places to learn more about the community's needs and community support. Debra asked the Chamber to consider donating to the project with a letter of promise later this summer.
4th of July Celebration Kami Hatfield stated plans were moving forward with fireworks by Bub Rothgeb and Boy Scouts organizing games. Plans for events for kids at Watson Park, pickup co-ed softball, and kickball games for the little kids. Classic activities like egg tosses and sack races are also planned.
Halloween Allison Everhart said she has spoken with the Elementary Principal, Tammy Withrow, and Allen Hisken for the marching band about plans for the annual Elementary School Halloween Parade. More details will be available at the September meeting.
Christmas Celebration Michele Enochs and Tina Friend outlined possible activities during the celebration and possibly turned it into an all-day event with breakfast with Santa, photos with the Grinch, a movie at the library, and carolers.
Belle Plaine’s Downtown Festival Annette Simpson, Festival chair, stated that planning for the 40th annual festival begins at the June meeting. The meeting will be held at the Belle Plaine Community Center on Wednesday, June 19th, at 6:30 pm.
Jeff Cox, Vice President, listed upcoming concerts and events at Kansas Star for Chamber fundraising opportunities: Maddie and Tae, July 19th; Gabby Barrett, July 25th; Joss Stone, August 9th; Bored Teachers, August 10th; .38 Special, September 21st; and NSFR, November 1st & 2nd.
Jeff stated that concerts are good fundraisers because once they get going, you can see a bit of the show, get the best tips, a limited menu, mainly alcohol.
Police Chief Bill Berry stated the Phase 3 maps with detour information would be out soon. The city is working on town maps. Along with work on K-55 through town, repairs to gas lines and equipment are also underway throughout the community.
Chief Berry thanks Kelly and Matt Lyons for their fundraising efforts for lighting the sign at 100th and Oliver. The lights should be up soon.
The walking path work is expected to start in June and the water project is progressing
To support the DARE program, the Belle Plaine Police Department will have its annual fireworks stand. This year, the stand will be in the carport of the BPPD. There will be signs and banners around town to communicate the new location to the community. Money raised also supports National Night Out on Tuesday, August 6th of this year.
He asked if any organizations, 3–5 people, would help with food preparation and clean up.
The City Wide Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, June 8th. Cindy Lawrey stated she had done the map the year before but was not aware of the date this year. Last year copies of the map were made by the city and were made available at the city and at Casey's. Michele Enochs suggested a fundraiser next year by having a sign-up for $5 and a map. Chief Berry noted the city had looked into doing something similar but it takes work and time.
Superintendent Pete Bastain was unable to attend the meeting but sent a letter.
It was a successful end of the school year. Thirty-eight seniors graduated this spring. Seven adult learners also graduated through the adult learning program through Orion.
The board of education has finalized a new strategic plan. Bastain stated he will be presenting it at the next board meeting in June and it will be voted on in July.
Anyone who is not in USD 357 and wants to attend Belle Plaine schools next year, they have to apply June 1-30. This is a new law passed by the legislature. Information can be found at the school website.
Teresa Heater, the representative for Valley Ridge Elder Care, stated they were finalizing dates for a fundraiser to be held either September 28th or October 5th. There are plans for live music, food, and youth entertainment. They are looking for donations for a silent auction and more as this is a big fundraiser for the project.
The Historical Museum’s annual Krispy Kreme fundraiser was underway with pre-orders and pickup on Saturday, June 8th.
Michelle Ellis announced that Belle Plaine was no longer a food desert with the reopening of her store after renovations to add more grocery items. The store sells Kansas-sourced milk, cheese, butter, vegetables, meat, and more. Mystic Kitchen also sells fresh breads, desserts, premade meals, and more in the store.
James Stambaugh suggested that the old Christmas pole decorations be refurbished and used as part of the park decor.
There were two vacancies on the Chamber board to be filled. Twenty-two voting members voted for their two choices of three candidates: Kelli Chrisco, Michele Enochs, and Tina Friend.
Kelli Chrisco and Tina Friend were elected to the board.
A second vote was held to choose the Chamber Chair from among the five board members. Of twenty-one votes cast, Matt Lyons was chosen.
It was decided among the members to move the September Chamber meeting to September 9th avoiding the Labor Day Holiday.
Adjournment 8:25 pm.
May 2024 Board Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Board Meeting May 7th, 2024.
Call to Order 6:26 p.m. at the Belle Plaine Historical Museum.
Board Members Jeff Cox, Allison Everhart, Cindy Lawrey, Matt Lyons, and Deborah Waggoner.
Officer Nominations Allison Everhart, chair, announced that four people were nominated to fill two open board positions to be elected at the June 3rd Chamber meeting. Kelli Chrisco, Tina Friend, and Michele Enochs all accepted the nomination and turned in the questionnaire stating why they wanted to hold a board position. A fourth nominee declined the nomination.
Voting Procedures Matt Lyons, Vice President, outlined the voting procedures according to the bylaws stating there will be two votes. A Chamber vote to fill the two vacancies, followed by a second vote to name the chair. The new chamber chair will then name board members to officer positions.
Ballots would be created listing all nominees to vote for the open board positions and a follow-up chair vote.
Official Channels
Recent instances of Chamber-directed emails being sent to individuals and not being addressed in an appropriate time were brought up. This has been an ongoing issue and board members have been reaching out to the City, local businesses, and other organizations to make sure all communications go through the official Chamber email or mailed to the PO Box. This should include all chamber-related business, communications, and membership information.
BINGO License Cindy Lawrey, treasurer, stated it was time to renew the Chamber’s BINGO license and if it was worth the effort, noting that every month the Chamber is required to fill out and turn in a four-page form stating BINGO income and expenditures, regardless of whether there was a game held that month or not. Board members felt it would be good to have on hand if the Chamber wants to organize more BINGO fundraisers going forward.
Deborah Waggoner, Secretary, motioned to pay the $25 license renewal and Allison Everhart seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting Adjourned 7:45 pm
March 2024 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting March 4, 2024
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Pete Bastain, Bill Berry, Jeff Cox, Scott Cyr, Michelle Ellis, Michele Enochs, Allison Everhart, Tina Friend, Curtis Goentzel, Sunni Goentzel, Kami Hatfield, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Lori Klein, Cindy Lawrey, Cathy Sheets, Larry Simpson, James Stambaugh, Lisa Vargas, and Deborah Waggoner Guests Richard Heffron, Julie Hooks, Matt Hutchinson, and Annette Simpson
Introductions Members introduced themselves and the business or organizations they represent.
Minutes December 4, 2023 minutes
Financial Report Treasurer Cindy Lawrey stated the current account balance was $15,379.88. She owed a high balance due to fundraising by festival volunteers working concessions at the Kansas Star Arena, as well as sponsorships, and vendor and event entry fees for the 2024 Downtown Festival on April 12th and 13th.
Approval of Minutes and Financial Report Jeff Cox motioned to accept the minutes and financial report. James Stambaugh seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, the Secretary, reminded members to check the website and send updates via email to the Chamber.
Membership Renewals Members whose membership would expire before June were sent reminders to renew. Cathy Sheets asked if businesses can have associate members. Yes, the paid Associate Member level allows for secondary representation for businesses and organizations. Members were encouraged to email the Chamber if they had questions about membership or their renewal date.
Belle Plaine’s Downtown Festival Annette Simpson, the festival chair, gave an update on preparations for the event on April 12th and 13th. She spoke about the importance of sponsors and the button prize donations, and the work of many event coordinators and volunteers who make the festival happen every year. Chamber members were encouraged to volunteer to help at events or work the information booth.
Fundraisers Jeff Cox, the President, outlined previous and future fundraising at Kansas Star. He stated he had enough volunteers for the Flogging Molly concert on March 9th, but was looking for volunteers to help with concessions for the March 30th Three Dog Night concert.
Bevan Stephens, representative for the Hampton Inn & Suites Mulvane, stated another wrestling event was coming up in early June.
Marketing Committee Cathy Sheets announced the next marketing meeting would be at the JP Weigand office on March 14th at 6:00 pm. She stated they are working on an advertising card listing local businesses and promoting retail storefronts in Belle Plaine. Cathy said she paid for the flyer creation but had no example for review. She asked for the $200 from the Chamber to fund printing on heavy card stock. The belief is the card will reach a wider audience as not everyone has access to the internet.
Other ideas the marketing committee had discussed were reusable placemats that would list other Belle Plaine businesses and a directory flyer to place around town.
Event Coordinators Cathy Sheets wanted to confirm the Chamber approval of the event coordinators for annual holiday events.
- Fourth of July—Kami Hatfield and Larry Simpson volunteered to coordinate activities.
- Halloween—Allison Everhart, who has organized the Elementary School Halloween Parade for the last few years, expressed her desire to continue working with the Elementary School and administration to organize the parade. Michele Enochs, Kami Hatfield, and Larry Simpson also expressed interest in hosting a Halloween event. Allison mentioned that the Halloween Parade was easy to organize and did not require multiple coordinators, and suggested that the three of them organize a trunk-or-treat Halloween evening, similar to events in other communities.
- Christmas Parade and Lighting Ceremony—Michele Enochs and Tina Friend announced they are coordinating the event for the second year. They plan to discuss coordinating the event at the March Marketing meeting.
Membership Drive Cathy Sheets suggested we have a membership drive. No one stepped up to organize it. She asked how many businesses are chamber members. Twenty-five businesses, five organizations, and six individuals make up the roster.
June Elections Allison Everhart reminded members there are two open positions on the Chamber board to be voted for during the June 3rd Chamber meeting. Members have until May 4th to nominate themselves or other members for consideration.
Cathy Sheets asked that potential candidates give reasons as to why they want to be on the board. Bevan Stephens explained that the Mulvane Chamber had a questionnaire. Allison Everhart said she would get a copy of the questionnaire and send out a similar one to all members.
Meeting Start Times Allison Everhart reminded members that Chamber meetings had been moved to 7:00 pm since September 2023. Doors will be unlocked at least 15 minutes before meetings.
Ribbon Cutting Committee Kelli Chrisco asked if there was a ribbon-cutting committee. Allison Everhart explained that there was not, but recognized the need for one. Cindy Lawrey suggested that Kelli head up a new ribbon-cutting committee. Tina Friend offered to be a part of the committee. Larry Simpson asked if the ribbon-cutting committee should fall under the purview of the marketing committee, but the consensus was no it should be a stand-alone committee.
Chamber Function Matt Lyons discussed his experience working with other chambers over the years. He explained that, unlike the other chambers, he perceived that in Belle Plaine Chamber, businesses expected all the work to be done by a small group of volunteers. He emphasized that for the Chamber to function effectively, businesses need to be involved in committees and step up, rather than expecting all the work to be done by a few volunteers. He also stressed that the Chamber is not an advertising firm.
Police Chief Bill Berry, who represents the City of Belle Plaine at the Chamber stated that the City Administrator, Rachelle Moore, would be stepping in as the city representative in future meetings.
- Saturday, April 20th, from 8:00 am to noon—annual city-wide cleanup.
- Saturday, April 27th, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm—National Drug Take Back.
- Saturday, May 4th, from 9:00 am to noon at Morley Field—pet vaccination clinic.
Jeff Cox, with the Belle Plaine Swim Team, noted that the Belle Plaine tournament will be on Saturday, June 1st at the Belle Plaine Swimming Pool.
Kelly Lyons, organizer of the Light Up the Town fundraiser to pay for permanent lighting at the stone Belle Plaine sign at 100th & Oliver, spoke about the upcoming fundraiser. The event is a chicken fried steak dinner with performances by a ventriloquist and a comedian. There will also be a silent auction.
Lisa Vargas, Belle Plaine Public Library Director, gave a brief report stating that
- The after-school programs are moving to Fridays
- Adult programming has been discontinued for now
- The library board is looking for new members. The library board is integral to keeping the library running. A survey is underway to help shape the direction of the library and what functions are important to the community
- The summer reading program “Adventures Begin” will run through June and July.
Superintendent Pete Bastain reported that with the coming of spring, there are big goings on at the school.
- For the 2024-2025 school year, David Martin has resigned and Logan Hernandez will be the new HS Assistant Principal and District Athletic Director. He has previously been a teacher and activities director in Minneola.
- The calendar for the 2024-2025 school year was approved in February and made public. Following other districts, the week of Thanksgiving will be off.
- Graduation is May 11th at 10:00 am.
- A spotlight program focusing on High school seniors and the good they are doing or what they plan to do. The program encourages students.
- The school is fundraising for a wrap for a school bus for special events and sports transportation. The superintendent asked if the Chamber would donate some toward the cost of the wrap. The new bus will premier this fall. He believes that it will help foster pride in the students. Donations can be made to the Belle Plaine Public Schools.
- Superintendent Bastain encouraged the community to come to him if they had questions or concerns about what was going on in the local school system. He stated that he can’t address problems if he doesn’t know about them.
Teresa Heater, the representative for Valley Ridge Elder Care, spoke about a fundraising event they are planning between the Walnut Valley Festival and the State Fair with exact dates to be determined. She said there are talks to have a bike run that will stop at various care facilities in the area. There will be a dinner and entertainment as part of the event.
Bringing a facility like this to the community not only keeps elderly family members close to home but will bring 30 jobs to the area. Fundraising has been active for several years but they have not met their million-dollar requirement to start construction. There will be a March 16th board meeting to further work out ideas.
Deborah Waggoner, the museum representative, stated that the Museum would be open on March 11th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
David Heater announced that the Sumner County Historical and Genealogical Society’s March program will be 1880s Folks from Belle Plaine, Oxford, and Dalton Photographs by Rex Riley at the Cowley College in Wellington. The program will be on Monday, March 18th at 6:30 pm.
Kelli Chrisco invited everyone to the Belle Plaine Area Business luncheon on March 18th. The topic will be structuring your business. Matt Hutchison asked about moving the luncheon to evenings so others can attend. Kelly Lyons said they were looking into some evening events with speakers.
Annette Simpson, the Downtown Festival chair, stated that Cassy Dalbom representing the Student Council, reached out about the pre-festival clean-up day. If any businesses needed help with cleanup on the Wednesday before the festival, please reach out to Cassy Dalbom at the school.
Kelly Lyons reminded everyone of the Pi Day Pie Contest on March 14th at the Belle Plaine Community Center. It is a fundraiser to light up the Belle Plaine sign at 100th and Oliver.
Tina Friend announced the April 7th retirement party for Linda Stinnett from her position as City Clerk. The event will be held at 2 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Adjournment 8:45 pm. Matt Lyons motioned to adjourn and Cindy Lawrey seconded.
February 2024 Board Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Board Meeting February 7th, 2024.
Call to Order 7:20 p.m. at the Belle Plaine Historical Museum.
Members Jeff Cox, Allison Everhart, Cindy Lawrey, Matt Lyons, and Deborah Waggoner.
Marketing Meeting Agenda The board addressed several points in the email from Cathy Sheets about the marketing committee. Creation of print materials needs to provide cost quotes and present for approval before printing. Following the example of the Downtown Festival, event chairpersons must present information and regular updates about their events to the Chamber including volunteers, marketing, and fundraising. There was a question about the listing of Halloween coordinators and whether this was a separate event from the Elementary School Halloween Parade organized by Allison Everhart.
Annual Dues Matt Lyons noted that to pay for more marketing, dues need to go up to $150 annually for a regular business membership. Matt did not believe Belle Plaine was ready for tiered memberships. He also suggested doing away with the first free year feeling free members have no investment and has long advocated the end of the program.
After some discussion about the dues amongst the board, with several members feeling $150 was still too high, Matt motioned to increase business dues to $100 annually and the associate level to $75. The rise is needed to help fund marketing and activities. Cindy Lawrey seconded. The vote passed unanimously.
Matt then motioned that home-based businesses, for makers and direct sellers, rise from $35 to $50 annually. Jeff seconded. The vote passed unanimously.
New pricing will go into effect on April 1st, 2024.
Sumner County Business Passport Program Cindy noted that she has been in communication with the Wellington Chamber about the passport program and gathering information on how to join it. She plans on attending their next meeting.
Mulvane Chamber Allison Everhart has been in talks with Mulvane Chamber members and has meeting plans with the Mulvane Chamber director.
June Officer Nominations Matt suggested the Chamber invoke the nomination committee as outlined in the bylaws to help organize and vet nominations. The committee would be comprised of two members of the board of directors and two Chamber members who are not running for office. Nominations must be submitted by May 4th, 2023. Elections will be held during the June 3rd, 2023 meeting.
Meeting Adjourned 8:40 pm
January 2024 Board Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Board Meeting January 10th, 2024.
Call to Order 6:11 p.m. at the Belle Plaine Historical Museum.
Members Jeff Cox, Allison Everhart, Cindy Lawrey, Matt Lyons, and Deborah Waggoner.
December 4th Meeting Review The board meeting started with a review of the topics and discussions during the December 4th All Members meetings.
Procedures As a follow-up to the November 2023 Board Meeting discussing procedures and the need to follow them, it was questioned if there needed to be a vote to approve the creation of the new marketing committee. Chamber committees should have a chair who reports to the chamber and is responsible for volunteers, fundraising, and event planning.
Membership Dues and Tiered Levels Matt Lyons suggested increasing business membership to $200 annually. There was a consensus among board members that the jump was too high from the current $50 annual membership. With Chamber members wanting to market their businesses more through the chamber, Matt introduced the idea of tiered memberships which many area chambers employ. This includes a flat membership fee plus a tiered advertising level that allows businesses to advertise their businesses at chamber-sponsored events.
Highway 81 Sign Still waiting on the final quote for the sign update, but expectations are that money raised during the 2022 and 2023 National Steer Roping Championships and potentially another fundraiser or donor will cover the costs of the update.
June Elections Nominations will need to be submitted by May 4th to the Chamber email for the June 3rd elections.
Ribbon Cutting Members discussed attending Kelli Chrisco’s ribbon cutting of her new office at 440 N Merchant on January 11th.
Meeting Adjourned 7:15 pm
December 2023 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting December 4, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Pete Bastain, Bill Berry, Jeff Cox, Scott Cyr, Michelle Ellis, Michele Enochs, Allison Everhart, Tina Friend, Kami Hatfield, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Lori Klein, Cindy Lawrey, Cathy Sheets, James Stambaugh, Deborah Waggoner, and Lisa Vargas Guests CJ Carey, Doug Hisken, Matt Hutchinson, Annette Simpson, Larry Simpson, and Caleb Utt
Minutes September 4, 2023 minutes
Financial Report During the meeting, Treasurer Cindy Lawrey gave a brief financial report, mentioning that the bank balance is currently $14,195. She explained that the high amount is due to the upcoming April 2024 Downtown Festival vendor fair payments as well as the festival fundraising efforts which include working concessions at the Kansas Star Arena. However, due to some computer issues, she was not able to present a detailed report.
Approval of Minutes and Financial Report Jim Stambaugh motioned to accept the minutes and financials as given. Teresa Heater seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, the Secretary, stated the website underwent updates. The menu was simplified and the chamber member page was redone to improve its appearance on mobile phones. Site maintenance and updates to the business directory and organization pages were also done.
Sign on 81 Deborah has been working with George Lay Signs, the company that installed the sign. Mary Wilson, who was familiar with the sign, said it is registered under the Official/Directional signs category with KDOT and the Chamber is the owner of the board. It was noted during the previous flex face installation the backing boards would need to be replaced with the next update.
Weather and a busy season prevented a tech from going on-site to check the sign before the Chamber’s December 4th meeting. At this time, assuming minimal repair and costs of the flex face a rough estimate of $1500-2000. A more detailed estimate will be provided when the review of the structure is completed.
Monies from Chamber fundraisers in November 2022 and 2023 selling merchandise for the National Steer Roping Championships and the 80s Rock Invasion are earmarked for the sign update.
BINGO Spooky BINGO was held on Oct 28 at 6 pm. Bill Berry returned as the caller. A software update resulting in color changes confused the players. Plans were made to review the issue so it will not occur in the future. Duplicate cards were found and the cards will need to be checked before another BINGO night.
The next BINGO event is scheduled for Thursday, April 11th as a lead-in for the Downtown Festival on April 12th and 13th. The game start may be pushed back to 6:30 pm due to school sports practices. Plans for a special game with a festival basket prize are in the works. Chamber members were asked if anyone wanted to coordinate the BINGO game, but no one volunteered.
Membership Renewal Members were reminded that while volunteers try to send out reminders of upcoming renewal dates, members are responsible for getting their renewal application and payments in. Payments can be made in person by cash or check, or online through the website. Members can email the Chamber if they have questions of their renewal date.
Halloween Parade Allison Everhart, Chairperson, stated the parade went well. Kansas Star provided candies, and many local businesses came out with their goodies to share with elementary-aged students and the high school band members who performed throughout the parade. Thanks were given to the police and fire department for their participation and for blocking off the streets to make the event safe.
Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade Event The event was a huge success. The Library reported they had 115 visitors and the Historical Museum had similar numbers. Carolers drew about 60 before the rain and chill took its toll. Ellis Island had many visiting for photos with the Grinch. Reimagined stated shoppers came out in droves.
The parade had a popular return gathering a small crowd up and down Merchant with Santa being the star of the show and delivered to the warm community center by Police Chief Bill Berry where he visited with children. The Belle Plaine Historical Museum had its most successful fundraiser yet selling out 126 chicken and noodle dinners and 30 quarts of takeout. Kansas Star provided candy that was handed out by Santa’s elves.
An email was sent out to chamber members stating a table for ten was reserved for anyone who wanted to go to the Mix Mingle Jingle at the Kansas Star Event Center on Thursday, December 7th. Members needed to respond before the event to get on the list.
Tina Friend and Michele Enochs stated they want to coordinate the event again in 2024 and are already discussing ideas. They are considering a different date, possibly the last Saturday in November or the 2nd Saturday of December to avoid the glut of activities in the community and surrounding area the first Saturday of December. There was a discussion to move the parade up to an earlier time. Tina stated the Historical Museum gets the first right of refusal for the chicken noodle feed in 2024.
Police Chief Bill Berry reported the Belle Plaine Police Department was conducting a toy drive at the local Dollar General. Monday, December 18th, is the last day. He stated they have filled the collection bin twice and hope to fill it up one or two more times before the 18th.
He also reported the new lights at Morley Field were going forward thanks to a grant and local fundraising efforts. The City is taking applications for a new city administrator position. Interviews will be starting soon.
The water project is moving along. The City has applied for the annexation of land, which is approved but not finalized at the courthouse. For the Highway 55 expansion and curbing, almost all the poles had been moved back. The start of the project was not confirmed but potentially start in May or June.
A member asked about the KDOT safe route to school. Chief Berry stated there is a planning grant in the works with interest in getting a crossing light at the area where the safe crossing will be set up.
Bill Berry said the target number was $6000 for lights and landscaping to complete the sign project. Kelly Lyons organized a fundraiser concert and bake sale on November 10th that raised $1600+ for lighting.
Librarian, Lisa Vargas, is working on streamlining the library function. She is looking forward to the new year with lots of book clubs, and activities for all ages including a fiction addiction book club, a cookie swap with dozens of cookies and recipes, and the continuation of the adult craft night.
Superintendent Pete Bastain noted the first semester was coming to an end. Operation Compassion was completed with great success with an initial goal of 6000, but students collected over 8200 items. To help in the collection the Board office and bus barn had a friendly competition, only to be smoked by Team Maintenance. All collected items stay in the community. December 19th will be the last day before the holiday break.
Superintendent Bastain shared information about the recent school board elections. Four seats were up with Stephanie Scott and Curtis Goentzel retaining their seats. Tory Bohannon and Carl Zimmerman won the remaining two seats. Bastain noted that being on the board is a thankless job and he thanked Doug Zimmerman and Angela Jeffries for their time on the board.
The 2024-2025 school year calendar is currently in the works with Bastain planning on presenting to the board in January to be voted on in February.
Basketball season is in full swing and Bastain encouraged everyone to attend games and activities supporting local students. The Middle School and High School band concert is expected to close out the 1st semester.
Bastain encouraged everyone to check out his weekly update talk with the superintendent.
CJ CAREY - Guest Speaker
CJ Carey was the guest speaker at the December Chamber meeting. He is the college and career advisor at the high school. He talks with area chambers and asks business owners to consider doing a talk for students to learn about their business and what trade schools or college programs it takes to be successful in it.
Carey stated programs like this help kids stick around in the community and learn about local businesses. He encouraged local businesses to reach out and do talks, and allow job shadowing, internships, summer jobs, and more as part of their current schooling. Anything that can help students now.
The program allows students to see different career paths available to them whether it be higher education, trade schools, or something other. Carey said if a student wants to work at a gas station, then he will sit down and help the student figure out which one pays the best, works with you the most, and helps you grow. It is all about finding the right path that is best for each student to achieve their goals.
Interested businesses should reach out to CJ Carey at
Teresa Heater suggested that guest speakers should be moved to the beginning of the meeting as they sometimes run long, but noted that it should be based on the speaker and topic in future meetings.
Teresa Heater, Valley Ridge Elder Care’s representative, gave an update on fundraising. They are about a third of the way to their one million-dollar goal. Looking at ways to meet their goals, the Valley Ridge board is looking at larger fundraisers to meet their goals. While the Grain Campaign continues, the Valley Ridge board is looking to have a Saturday event in September with lots of activities and a concert. She encouraged businesses to get involved and help with this event.
Grants, while helpful, often come with limitations depending on when you start and when you finish construction. Doug Hisken, Valley Ridge board member, noted that Covid has raised the cost of the facility by 20–25% since they started working toward this goal. There are ways to help including donating whether it be a large sum all at once or spread out over some time.
Creating an elder care facility, Teresa explained, will bring in about 30 jobs to the community that will have an impact on the schools, housing, restaurants, shopping, and more. According to her, the facility will do more than help keep aging community members close to family and the community they love, but there are goals to develop a drop-off pharmacy, outpatient physical therapy, and 30-day short-term physical therapy. They need everybody’s help.
Annette Simpson, the Downtown Festival chair noted that we were four months out from Belle Plaine’s Downtown Festival 2024 and activity will take off right after the holidays. The next festival planning meeting will be on January 17th, 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
President Jeff Cox gave an update on the Aaron Lewis concert. Nine volunteers worked concessions at Kansas Star. Jeff thanked everyone who came out to help raise money to put on the Downtown Festival.
For the National Steer Roping Finals, volunteers worked one night of concessions to raise for the festival and Chamber members were asked to help work one of the three nights selling merchandise to fundraise for the Highway 81 sign.
Jeff stated that volunteers are needed for upcoming events including January 26–27 Motorcross, Wrestling in February and March, Flogging Molly, and 3 Dog Night concerts. Members were asked to let Jeff know if they could help any of those nights.
SJC Lights owner, Scott Cyr explained he felt the burden of cost belongs solely to the Chamber, while adding lights per the City’s request. He noted for 2024 the costs will go up to $1800. He stated per his business model, he puts lights up for a customer until told to stop.
Several members, including Teresa Heater, explained this model cannot work with the Chamber and that he has to provide costs and meet with the Chamber during budget planning and not after he has already put up the lights. Teresa motioned the Chamber to pay the entire $1200 for 2023 with the provision going forward Scott has to provide a written contract to both the Chamber and the City annually before July budget meetings. Cathy Sheets seconded.
Guests to the meeting asked for an explanation of past meeting minutes, elections, and bylaw changes. Secretary, Deborah Waggoner noted it had been an oversight not to list the email vote and results in the August minutes. Said minutes will have a correction.
Some members and guests expressed concern the chamber was not doing enough to market local businesses. Members were reminded the small chamber was volunteer-run and if they wanted to see activities and programs, members needed to step up and make them happen. Cathy Sheets volunteered to organize a marketing committee and asked for people to join her. Michele Enochs, Michelle Ellis, and Larry Simpson volunteered during the meeting.
Next Meeting on March 4th, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Adjournment 9:30 pm
November 2023 Board Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Board Meeting November 1st, 2023
Call to Order 6:10 p.m. at the Belle Plaine Historical Museum.
Members Jeff Cox, Allison Everhart, Cindy Lawrey, Matt Lyons, and Deborah Waggoner. Guest Michelle Enochs
Spooky BINGO Treasurer Cindy Lawrey and Chairperson Allison Everhart are reviewing the concession inventory after the Spooky Bingo event. Some items like chips will expire before another event and be given to other organizations. Cindy Lawrey motioned to pay the Journalism Club $150 for helping with concessions. The motion was passed unanimously.
Procedures The importance of adhering to procedures was discussed. All requests and proposals should be presented during Chamber meetings and thoroughly debated before taking any action. It is essential to follow Robert's Rules of Orders to ensure consistency in the decision-making process.
Belle Plaine’s Downtown Festival It is understood that the Festival is an event sponsored by the Chamber and therefore the Chamber has the right to oversee the budget. The Chamber is welcome to provide suggestions but should defer to the festival committee when it comes to volunteers, event organization, and other related matters, as long as the festival committee adheres to the required level of professionalism and budget.
Lack of Volunteers and Committees Only a small number of members volunteer to organize events, projects, or work fundraisers. While there has been discussion about downtown improvements and ways to better support local businesses, people have yet to step up to organize or research what it would take to make things happen. As a result, Chamber projects are stalled and Christmas and Fourth of July events have nearly come to an end.
The Board members want to see committees established for research projects and events like the Downtown Festival. This would involve appointing a chair to communicate with the Chamber while organizing the project/event, gathering volunteers, fundraising, communications, and more.
Christmas Event Allison Everhart, on behalf of the Historical Society, announced a Chicken Noodle Dinner and Visit With Santa on the evening of December 2nd starting at 5:00 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center. Michele Enochs, Chamber member, attended the meeting to outline the preparations for the Christmas Parade that same evening. After discussion, members decided that Santa would greet children at the community center, and then participate in the parade.
Michele explained the parade would showcase local businesses. Santa will arrive at the community center after the parade by Land Rover and a team of eight motorcycles. Vice President Matt Lyons confirmed with Michele that she would be responsible for overseeing and coordinating the parade, which includes obtaining necessary permissions and waivers, recruiting volunteers, and advertising the event. Michele assured Matt that she could manage all aspects of the parade.
Christmas Lights Downtown The lighting was left up in the air. Despite repeated requests since early 2023, no representative of the lighting company has attended a Chamber meeting to discuss plans and costs or offered an estimate for review. Hope had been to have information before the drawing of the budget in July.
The meeting was adjourned with plans for follow-up topics at the regular December 4th meeting.
September 2023 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting September 4, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Bill Berry, Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Kelli Chrisco-Cremens, Michele Enochs, Kami Hatfield, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Lori Klein, Cindy Lawrey, Matt Lyons, Cathy Sheets, James Stambaugh, and Deborah Waggoner Guests Sally Cox, Matt Hutchinson, Kelly Lyons, and Annette Simpson
Minutes August 7, 2023 minutes
Financial Report Treasurer Cindy, Lawrey, gave the financial report. Membership fees and festival vendor fair payments were attributed to the rise. Checks will be sent to schools for the Ad Astra Per Aspera scholarship and the After Prom event.
Approval of Minutes and Financial Report Cathy Sheets motioned to accept minutes and financials as given. Matt Lyons 2nd. The motion passed unanimously.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, the Secretary, noted the membership form on the website was updated to include when a business was founded. Site maintenance and membership have been updated with updates to the business directory and organizations coming soon.
BINGO Spooky BINGO will take place on October 28th at 6:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. at the old high school commons. The high school journalism students will be doing the concessions as a fundraiser.
Chamber Chairperson Allison Everhart announced the return of BINGO to the Downtown Festival. Games will take place Thursday night, April 11th kicking off the festival early.
Membership Renewal A letter will go out in September or October to encourage new membership and renewals on behind members.
Chamber Joint Project Plans to reach out to other chambers and festivals to learn what they are doing, share volunteers, and more. There was a discussion of doing a passport project encouraging shopping at many local businesses.
Christmas Event It was noted that the Belle Plaine Historical Museum was doing a chicken noodle feed, on Saturday, December 2nd at the Community Center. Santa will be there for the children to visit with. Other members are planning a parade and tree lighting during the Saturday, December 2nd event.
Halloween Parade for the Elementary School Allison Everhart reported she had spoken with the new BPES principal, Tammy Withrow. Principal Withrow wants to continue the tradition and loosen some of the previous restrictions opening it up to anyone who wants to hand out candy during the Tuesday, October 31st, afternoon parade. As this is an event for the children, advertising will not be allowed. Everyone who wants to participate should contact the Chamber to get signed up and for information. School Band Director Allen Hisken said the band would participate. There will be around 250 kids. The parade has been going on since the 1970s. The Belle Plaine Police Department will provide candy bags for use during the parade and are reflective for nighttime trick or treating.
Police Chief Bill Berry reported that there will be a fall city-wide garage sale on October 7th.
On October 14th, from 8:00 a.m. to noon, will be the City Wide Clean-Up event. Residents within the city limits are welcome to participate. The Elderly can ask for help if asked before Friday at 11 p.m.
Chief Berry also shared the city has been experiencing bicycle thefts. Please keep track of your family’s bicycles. Police pitched in to deliver a bike to a child whose bike was stolen from his house and found disassembled.
Superintendent Pete Bastain was unable to attend but sent information to share. The 2023-2024 school year has begun. He welcomes one-on-one meetings with community members to get a feel for how the schools are doing. An appointment can be scheduled by calling (620) 488-2288.
Despite the heat causing some cancellations, the fall sports have kicked. He invites the community to attend and support student sporting events. There is a new director of transportation, Sam Lyle.
Kami Hatfield reported that on October 14th there will be a chili cook-off and feed at the Belle Plaine Community Center. There will be no vendors this year, but a band will be providing music for a fun social event.
Kelly Lyons shared there will be a women’s meet and greet, so bring a friend and pumpkin for a pumpkin decorating good time. The event will be on Saturday, October 7th at 7 p.m.
James Stambaugh brought up the stone sign on the southeast corner of 100th and Oliver north of town has remained unfinished more than a decade later. Chief Berry stated the city had tabled discussion until the end of the year on having electricity and lights run out to the sign, but was certain to approve infrastructure plans. Some Chamber members suggested a community fundraiser to pay for the lights as well. Along with the need for lighting, the issue of bringing water to the sign is another large hurdle that has to be taken care of before landscaping can be done to complete the welcome monument.
Ideas were discussed by several members for fundraisers to help fund community activities and improvements. Some ideas include more mixers, an adult prom, and a block party.
Other fundraisers include working concessions at the Kansas Star. upcoming concerts are Travis Tritt 9/23, 80s Rock invasion 10/14, and Aaron Lewis 11/13. Everyone was encouraged to get involved. Learn the ropes as a runner and work your way up to registers if you want.
Next Meeting December 4th, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Adjournment 7:45 pm
August 2023 Board Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Board Meeting August 30th, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. at the Belle Plaine Historical Museum.
Members Jeff Cox, Allison Everhart, Cindy Lawrey, and Deborah Waggoner. Matt Lyons by conference call. Guest Annette Simpson by conference calls.
Financials During the meeting, Cindy Lawrey, who serves as treasurer, provided an update on the current financial situation. She highlighted that there have been several membership renewals and registrations for the upcoming Downtown Festival, which will have a positive impact on the finances. However, Cindy also mentioned that some payments from the April 2023 festival were still outstanding. To address this, checks were signed and will be delivered to the relevant parties.
Evergy Poles Talk about improving the electrical infrastructure in the alley between Merchant and Linden on Fifth Avenue. The aim is to ensure better support for food trucks. President Jeff Cox and Festival Chairperson Annette Simpson had a conversation about the most suitable electrical needs. Since the annual budget had already been established in July, it was agreed that further research was necessary. Quotes will be prepared and presented before the July 2024 budget meeting.
Middle School Field Trip During the July budget planning meeting, funding was set aside for a Middle School event that was unnamed at the time. The Chamber sponsors the Elementary School Halloween Parade and the High School After Prom. Allison Everhart has been working with Middle School Principal Josh Godwin. The Chamber will help sponsor the annual end-of-year field trip for the 8th grade.
Belle Plaine Area Business Luncheon The Chamber was requested to promote the event on its social media page. However, the board members deliberated on the matter and concluded that the luncheon was not organized by the Chamber, hence it would not be appropriate to share it on their Facebook page. Vice President Matt Lyons pointed out that even though both organizations aim to enhance the local business community, it would be more beneficial for them to operate independently rather than being linked together.
Quarterly Meetings The board decided to move quarterly all member meetings from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm to make it easier for more members to attend the meetings.
Adjournment 7:10 pm
August 2023 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting August 7, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Bill Berry, Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Kelli Chrisco-Cremens, Michelle Ellis, Allison Everhart, Tina Friend, Curtis Goentzal, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Carol Hisken, Lori Klein, Cindy Lawrey, Cathy Sheets, River Shields, James Stambaugh, and Deborah Waggoner Guests Annette Simpson
Introductions Kelli Chrisco-Clemens introduced herself as a new member. Members introduced themselves and their representations.
Minutes June 5, 2023 minutes
Financial Report Treasurer Cindy, Lawrey, gave a financial report.
Approval of Minutes and Financial Report Minutes for the June all members meeting and financial report. Carol Hisken motioned and Cathy Sheets seconded. Motion passed.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, the Secretary, has requested all current members to verify the accuracy of their information. Planned updates and new member additions are in the works.
Sign on Highway 81 Deborah contacted George Lay Signs, Ron's Sign Company, and other businesses to obtain quotes for the cost of repairing and updating the sign's design. The budget includes $1000 allocated explicitly for the roadside sign.
June Community Organizations Mixer The event was wrapped up by Allison Everhart, the President. Multiple organizations including 4H, Valley Ridge, Global Methodist Church, Belle Plaine Connections, and others participated. It was well received, and there are plans for another one being considered.
BINGO The Red White & BINGO event went well, although it was not as busy as the previous one. The organizers have decided not to hold an event during harvest time in the future. They briefly discussed when the next event should be and are currently looking for potential dates. Bill Berry volunteered to be the caller again.
Membership Renewal Members were reminded to get their memberships in. With the rolling membership, members have a 90-day grace period before being removed from the roster. Board members planned to look into the membership roster and send out membership updates.
Chamber Participation The topic of what members gain from the Chamber was brought up. It was noted that the amount of effort members put in directly influences what they get out of it. The issue of needing more members to step up and become active organizers was also raised. The Chamber cannot function properly with just a few volunteer members taking on all the responsibilities.
July Board Meeting Allison provided a brief overview of the budget, created based on the 2022-23 financials. The annual budget allows for some flexibility to explore additional opportunities. The Chamber plans to continue supporting the Ad Astra Per Aspera scholarship, After Prom sponsorship, and the Elementary School Halloween Parade. A Middle School activity will be added, and Allison is collaborating with the school to develop an idea.
Bylaws Update To be consistent with other chambers, the board of directors has been restructured by removing the members-at-large and appointing a Chairperson instead. The current officers of the board are Allison Everhart as Chairperson, Jeff Cox as President, Matt Lyons as Vice President, Cindy Lawrey as Treasurer, and Deborah Waggoner as Secretary.
All member meetings will start at 7:00 p.m. and will be quarterly, with board meetings at 6:00 p.m. each month. The annual vote for officers will be held in June. July will be the budget board meeting. Motion to accept bylaws changes by Cindy Lawrey and Jeff Cox seconded. The motion passed unanimously among paid members.
4th of July The Belle Plaine Chamber donated $300 to Bub Rothgeb for the fireworks show. Mr. Rothgeb requested that the donation be made to the Belle Plaine Junior League. Unfortunately, the Chamber was not involved in organizing the 4th of July activities this year, as no one volunteered to help. In the future, it would be beneficial to have dedicated committees and fundraising efforts in place immediately following the conclusion of annual events.
The city report began with Police Chief Bill Berry expressing his desire to investigate the feasibility of installing one or two prominent signs promoting Belle Plaine along the turnpike. He also provided an update on the city's plans to enhance the large stone sign on the southeast corner of 100th and Oliver by adding landscaping and solar lights. However, the city council decided to postpone further discussion on the matter until the end of the year.
The National Night Out event on August 1st saw a remarkable turnout despite the scorching 106° temperatures. According to Chief Berry, around 400-500 people attended the four-hour event, and he is determined to make it even bigger. Despite the extreme heat that is typical during the first Tuesday of August, Chief Berry is hesitant to change the date due to the immense popularity of the free admission to the city pool that is offered during the event.
On October 14th, from 8:00 a.m. to noon, there will be a City Wide Clean-Up event. Residents within the city limits are welcome to participate.
According to River Shields, the librarian, the summer reading program concluded on July 28th with a total of 88 participants. She also noted that the front of the library has a new facade thanks to the completion of stucco work, and new computers, including one for the librarians, have been added. Regular programs will continue to run throughout August.
Superintendent Pete Bastian was unable to attend the meeting. However, he sent a message expressing his excitement for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year. The district has welcomed ten new teachers this year. Additionally, new card readers have been installed in the facilities, replacing the previous key system. This new system allows for better control over who can access the buildings. The Superintendent encouraged everyone to visit the district's website,, to check out school information, view his weekly updates, and join in celebrating all things Dragons.
Next Meeting September 4th, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Adjournment 8:10 pm.
July 2023 Board Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Board Meeting July 13, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm at the Belle Plaine Historical Museum.
Members Jeff Cox, Allison Everhart, Cindy Lawrey, Matt Lyons, and Deborah Waggoner
2023–2024 Budget During the July Board Meeting, the main agenda was establishing the Chamber's budget status through April 30, 2024.
Downtown Stage The wishlist for the Downtown Stage includes a canopy, stage lighting, and sound system, and there are currently no ongoing efforts to raise funds for any additional equipment. However, Vice President Jeff Cox is exploring the costs of acquiring such gear.
Bylaws Proposed updates to the bylaws were discussed, and Matt Lyons, a member-at-large, will draft amendments to the current bylaws that were voted on in October 2022. These amendments will be presented to the board and voted on during the full Chamber meeting on August 7, 2023.
Quarterly Meetings The board suggested holding monthly meetings for the board members while organizing all Chamber meetings on a quarterly basis.
Event Committees The Board has suggested that events such as the Downtown Festival, Christmas Lighting Ceremony, Elementary School Halloween Parade and potentially the 4th of July Celebration should be managed by separate committees. This is similar to how the Downtown Festival is currently organized and helps to ensure the smooth running of the events while limiting planning discussions during Chamber meetings.
Membership Drive In August, the Chamber will kick off its membership drive to assist members in staying current on their membership. Additionally, efforts are underway to entice more businesses and organizations to join and participate in the Chamber.
June 2023 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting June 5, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Bill Berry, Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Allison Everhart, Tina Friend, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Carol Hisken, Cindy Lawrey, Cathy Sheets, River Shields, James Stambaugh, and Deborah Waggoner Guests Patty Marks, Annette Simpson
Minutes June 5, 2023 minutes
Financial Report Cindy Lawrey, the treasurer, gave an update on the financials. Cathy Sheets motioned. Sally Cox 2nd. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes Cindy Lawrey moved the minutes to be approved. Sally Cox 2nd. Motion passed.
Chamber Website The Secretary, Deborah Waggoner, stated that the URL for and have been paid. was added as an emergency backup.
BINGO Red White & BINGO on Saturday, June 24th at the High School Commons. Doors open at 5 pm and games start at 6 pm. Bill Berry volunteered to call numbers.
June Community Organizations Mixer June 15th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center. The mixer will bring together community organizations to encourage information sharing, membership, and volunteerism. Attendees will be served hotdogs and ice cream. An email blast was sent to invite the community organizations.
Membership Renewal Members were reminded to get their membership renewed. We will be sending out a letter soon.
Ad Astra Per Aspera Scholarship The fund given to the chosen student is not a scholarship, but rather a gift that can be used for any hardship. It is suggested to rename it to reflect its purpose. The Chamber contributes $167, along with Belle Plaine Community Foundation and another organization, or shares it equally with BPCF if only two groups are involved.
Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association FFA/4H Scholarship There were no participants wanting to participate in the scholarship competition this year.
Sign on Highway 81 (Rolling Item) Waiting on an estimate and other details. Julie Gooch cannot find any info. David Heater thinks the info is in the Quicken account. The original sign was about $1500. Talk to George Lay Signs to get the costs of making a new one.
Separating the Festival from Chamber The Downtown Festival is currently trying to register as a 501(c)3 to improve its fundraising efforts. To facilitate this, it has been suggested that the Festival and the Chamber become two independent entities. This move would allow the Festival to handle its own fundraising and donations more effectively and achieve greater self-sufficiency. Separating the two organizations would also enable each to focus on its specific needs and establish stronger organizations. The decision has been postponed until August, after the July Board meeting, when the budget and other aspects will be discussed.
July Board Meeting Instead of a July committee meeting, the board will meet and discuss the annual budget including cost needs and creating a community forward initiative. This initiative aims to create a donation plan that will support scholarships, fundraisers, sponsorships, local organizations, and more.
Festival Report The next festival meeting is Wednesday, June 21st, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center. Rodney Carrington will be performing at the Kansas Star. The Festival will be doing concessions for fundraising on July 15 from 6:00 pm to whenever.
4th of July The Chamber discussed donating to the cost of the fireworks show.
July Chamber Meeting The Chamber takes July off due to the conflict with the holiday. Teresa Heater moved to skip the July 3rd meeting. Cindy Lawrey 2nd. Motion passed.
According to Police Chief Bill Berry, Pizza Hut, which was damaged last November, will not be rebuilt or reopened. The building will be auctioned off on July 14th.
The pet clinic was a success, with 68 vaccinations administered, including 9 for cats, 15 nail clippings, and 10 microchips. They are looking to organize another event in the next year.
For the first time in a while, the police department has a full staff.
Notices have been given to help get yards cut and cleaned up to help improve the look of the community. Bill said he chose to start earlier this year to try to get ahead of the problems. Hats off to Tim Deshazer, who handles many local mowing jobs. The police and city are challenged by several foreclosed properties to get them cleaned up. Kelly Lyons of Belle Plaine Connections has asked to take over the monthly lawn beautification contest.
The water project and K-55 roadwork and curbing are moving forward.
The swimming pool is open. Members brought up concerns about opening weekend issues that will be looked into.
River Shields stated that the summer reading started June 5th with 55 signed up. Pool day was June 3rd. She asked for volunteers to help on June 14th during the Sedgwick County Zoo presentation. The library is open through the stucco work on the front of the building.
Pete Bastian is the new superintendent. Plans were discussed to reach out and invite to the Chamber. Keith George was named the new High School principal. The summer lunch program was beginning. Card readers are being installed on all doors in the district.
Next Meeting August 7th, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Adjournment 9:01 pm.
May 2023 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting May 1, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm at the Belle Plaine Public Library.
Members Present Dr. Kelly Arnberger, Bill Berry, Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Allison Everhart, Tina Friend, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Cindy Lawrey, Kelly Lyons, Matt Lyons, River Shields, and Deborah Waggoner Guests Jodi Crump, Shelley Stewart
Library Presentation The May Chamber meeting took place at the Belle Plaine Public Library. The librarian, River Shields, led the members on a tour of the library and explained its different areas, such as the Belle Plaine and local books section, computer upgrades, youth activities, and craft nights. River also shared information about the various weekly and monthly programs, including book clubs, Perler Club, Dungeons & Dragons Club, and many programs for children, teens, and adults.
Upcoming events include
- All Together Now summer reading program June 5th-July 28th.
- Paradise Valley Theatre Company
- Love on a Leash
- Sumner County Sheriff's Office Drone Demonstration
- Trivia Night
- Book Sale during the City-Wide Garage Sale June 10th.
Introductions Brief introductions of members and guests.
Minutes April 3, 2023 minutes
Financial Report Financials will be reviewed in the June meeting.
Approval of Minutes Teresa Heater moved the minutes to be approved with correction. Dr Arnberger 2nd. Motion passed.
Chamber Website The Secretary, Deborah Waggoner, has shared that there are no updates from the past month, except for the maintenance of the site. Payment for the upcoming Downtown Festival URL in May has been noted.
Sign on Highway 81 (Rolling Item) Waiting on an estimate and other details.
Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association FFA/4H Scholarship Allison Everhart, president, brought up qualifications for student choice for the Challenge of Champions scholarship. Allison is reaching out to Carrie Cyr (4H) and Jason Carl (FFA) to see if they have students who might want to participate in the scholarship candidacy. Nominations need to be in by August 15th, 2023. Students wishing to qualify will present a 150 word essay on why they should be selected as the Chamber candidate at the June 5th meeting.
Ad Astra Per Aspera Scholarship Chamber pays a third, $167, along with Belle Plaine Community Foundation, and Helping Hands. Helping Hands is defunct and the school has found ways to cover the third in past years. Megan Harper, Director of Marketing & Sales for SKT stated that they would like to cover the third this year. In the future, the Community Foundation and Chamber will split 50/50 it if there is no third donation.
BINGO The Chamber will be putting on Red White & BINGO on Saturday, June 24th.
June Mixer Deborah Waggoner discussed the upcoming MayDay Mixer hosted by the Rose Hill Chamber on May 1st. The mixer aims to gather volunteers for the Rose Hill Chamber of Commerce, the Rose Hill Fall Festival, the Rose Hill Historical Museum, and the Rose Hill Hometown Christmas event. Deborah suggested organizing a similar event for the Belle Plaine Chamber that would support the Chamber, the Downtown Festival, the Historical Museum, other holiday events, and community organizations to promote information, membership, and volunteerism. The decision was made to hold the event on June 15th from 6:30-8:30 pm, and attendees will be offered free hot dogs and ice cream.
Membership Dues Members were reminded to get their membership renewed.
Election of Officers Due to the lack of volunteers and nominations for officers, Dr. Arnberger nominated sitting officers and at-large members to remain in office for a one-year term and Carol Hisken seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Allison Everhart—President
Jeff Cox—Vice President
Cindy Lawrey—Treasurer
Deborah Waggoner—Secretary
David Heater—Member-At-Large
Curtis Goentzel—Member-At-Large
Volunteerism and the Chamber A handful of individuals are responsible for organizing and running fundraisers, mixers, and holiday events. However, many of these volunteers are looking to step back. To ensure the continuation of these events, it is encouraged for all Chamber members and community members to get involved in the planning process. If you have an idea, feel free to propose it to the Chamber, but be prepared to take the lead on its execution.
Community Forward Initiative Deborah Waggoner proposed a more organized approach to community donations, which had been previously discussed. While the Ad Astra Per Aspera scholarship and After Prom are annual donations, it was suggested to create a plan for distributing donation funds to support the school and public libraries, youth sports, as well as school and local fundraisers.
Budget The annual budget will be discussed in June.
Bill Berry, Police Chief, mentioned
- Drug Take Back on April 22nd collected 22.5 pounds of medications.
- Pet clinic is May 6th, 9:00 am to noon. City office will be there to pay your city fees onsite. Shots, nail clipping, microchipping. Stay in the car. Open to anyone.
Dr. Arnberger stated
- High school graduation is MAy 13th at 10:00 am.
- Last day of school is May 16th at noon.
- School board is searching for a new school superintendent.
Join the Belle Plaine Historical Museum on November 30th for a Chicken and Noodle Dinner and a chance to meet Santa at the Belle Plaine Community Center. Additionally, the museum will be participating in the city-wide garage sale on June 9th, selling Krispy Kreme Donuts on the sidewalk. On June 10th, the museum will be selling breakfast burritos, sausage and gravy, hamburgers, hot dogs, and beverages at the Belle Plaine City Pool during the swim tournament. Krispy Kreme Donuts will also be available, and Kona Ice will be on site. All proceeds from both events will go towards supporting the museum.
Representing Valley Ridge Elder Care, Teresa Heater provided an update on the ongoing fundraising efforts aimed at achieving their goal. Additionally, the board is currently engaged in the process of applying for grants.
May 25th-28th KS High School and Jr High Rodeo at Kansas Star TBD
July 15th Rodney Carrington-Kansas Star Show at 8:00 pm
Next Meeting June 5th, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Adjournment 8:20 pm.
April 2023 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting April 3, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Jeff Cox, Allison Everhart, Tina Friend, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Carol Hisken, River Shields, and Deborah Waggoner Guests Annette Simpson, Bevan Stephens
Minutes March 6, 2023 minutes
Financial Report Financials will be reviewed in the May meeting following the Downtown Festival.
Approval of Minutes River Shields noted Summer reading program goes from June 3rd to July 28th. Carol Hisken moved the minutes to be approved with correction. David Heater 2nd. Motion passed.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, Secretary, reported no updates over the last month except for site maintenance. Payment for the Downtown Festival url coming up in May.
Sign on Highway 81 Tabled until after the Festival.
Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association FFA/4H Scholarship Allison Everhart, president, spoke to Carrie Cyr (4H) and Jason Carl (FFA) if they had students who might want to participate in the scholarship candidacy. The Chamber can only nominate one student to compete for the scholarship. Tabled to May to discuss qualifications for student choice.
Election of Officers Members were reminded to consider nominations for the May meeting. It was noted that many of the current officers and active members of the Chamber are looking to step back. All Chamber members are encouraged to get more involved in Chamber activities.
It was noted that the Downtown Festival was actively seeking 501(c)3 status to help with direct fundraising.
Annette Simpson, Festival Chair, stated that the planning committee only had general access to the Belle Plaine Community Center Thursday and Friday, April 6th and 7th. A big change moves opening ceremonies to Friday night before the Talent Show and Glow Run and no Sunday events due to the holiday. The committee was still looking for volunteers to help the weekend at several key events. Glow Run was looking to have near-record numbers. There would not be a golf tournament or inflatables due to a lack of volunteers. The community is encouraged to bring their family downtown and enjoy it, it’s going to be beautiful.
Bill Berry, Police Chief, who was unable to attend, sent a note about city information and upcoming events.
- DARE Completed for this year
- A Safety Pup costume was coming soon.
- Drug Take Back is April 22nd
- Pet clinic is May 6th
River Shields stated the book sale will be on April 8th, from 9:00 to 2:00 during the Downtown Festival. The Summer Reading program will run from June 3–July 28. There will be a kickoff party for the program. Chamber members were interested in volunteering to help at the party.
Teresa Heater spoke on behalf of Valley Ridge Elder Care and announced plans are underway for another BINGO night, this time on Saturday, April 15th. The Historical Museum will be doing concessions. Doors open at 5. The games start at 6.
Evergy has begun moving the poles on the north side of 4th Street for the upcoming K-55 expansion project.
Upcoming fundraisers at Kansas Star for Chamber and Festival include a performance by Rodney Carrington on July 15th and an upcoming rodeo.
Next Meeting May 1, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center
Adjournment 7:25 pm
March 2023 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting March 6, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Jeff Cox, Scott Cyr, Allison Everhart, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Carol Hisken, River Shields, and Deborah Waggoner Guest Annette Simpson
Minutes February 6, 2023 minutes
Financial Report Financials will be discussed at the April meeting.
Approval of Minutes David Heater noted that Julie Gooch was looking up the cost of the original size. February minutes were corrected. Carol Hisken moved the minutes to be approved with correction. David Heater 2nd. Motion passed.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, Secretary, reported no updates over last month except for site maintenance.
Sign on Highway 81 Thanks to Chamber members working fundraisers at the Kansas Star, funds have been earmarked for an update of the sign to focus on the community.
Volunteers Allison Everhart, president, noted that the same few people are working all the fundraisers at Kansas Star. Chamber members are strongly encouraged to respond to volunteer requests. These fundraisers support Chamber events.
Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association FFA/4H Scholarship Opportunity Open to FFA or 4H members aged 16-19 who intend to attend a Kansas University or Post-Secondary school for Agricultural majors. As a Kansas Fairs & Festivals member, we are able to nominate a student to go and compete on September 10th at the Kansas State Fair. The challenge consists of a written test and a 5-minute impromptu presentation on a subject provided, all worth 510 points. It is a scholarship worth $2250 over 4 semesters. This year they plan to give away 2 scholarships. More information to come regarding consideration for nomination and Chamber sponsorship of the selected student.
Donations David Heater said the Chamber’s share of the upcoming Ad Astra Per Aspera Scholarship donation of $167 would be due soon. The Chamber also donates $250 toward After Prom. Teresa Heater motioned that we make donations to the scholarship and after prom. Jeff Cox 2nd. Motion passed.
Robin Macy, who was unable to attend, sent a note about the upcoming events.
In short, Tulip Time - 2nd weekend - fell on Easter weekend this year. Also, it’s earlier than usual. Our event is historically two day, Saturday and SUNDAY. Therefore, we are hosting our festival on April 15 + 16 to avoid family conflicts for Easter and hopefully have a big show of blooming bulbs due to more time.
She also noted
Opening up for Easter weekend. Music happens Sunday at 4.
River Shields spoke on behalf of the Library announcing the annual book sale from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, April 8th during the Downtown Festival. The Summer Reading program will run June 3–28. River answered questions about the adult and teen craft nights and noted the addition of two new employees as the Summer Reading program is one of their busiest times.
Annette Simpson spoke about the Downtown Festival this April 7 & 8. Volunteers helped at a recent wrestling fundraiser at Kansas Star. She noted the need for volunteers to help in fundraising events to mitigate the costs of the festival and support Chamber activities.
The big signs with the new logo are up at the corners. Orders on Festival and Car Show t-shirts are open until March 15th. There were brief updates on the big events.
Buttons will be at Casey’s, Rothgeb’s, and the City Building soon. The next Downtown Festival planning meeting is at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
A member noted that the Bartlett Arboretum’s annual Art in the Arb event falls on the weekend of April 15 & 16, while the Downtown Festival stuck to the second weekend, shortening the schedule due to Easter Sunday. Annette explained the importance of a stable weekend for our larger events such as the Car Show and a requirement to bring a carnival back.
Bill Berry, Police Chief, who was unable to attend, sent a note about city information and upcoming events.
• New Officer Starts Monday 3/6/2023 Jorge Soto
• City has acquired the land for new water tower and water treatment plant
• Quality Citizen extended to March 10.
• Belle Plaine Community Foundation (BPCF) accepting applications for Scholarships, Spring Youth Grants and Quality Citizen
• Storm Siren Test will be Tuesday at 10am to match up with a statewide test on that day and time.
• May 3 @ KS Star Casino Officer Poulima awarded KACP (Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police) Silver Medal of Valor for life saving efforts on Nov 6th, 2022
• City of Belle Plaine Staff/Council participated in Strategic Planning Exercise on Sat Feb 4 and 18. A succession Plan has been developed in the first draft stage and is under review by City Staff/Council
Dr. Kelly Arnberger, who was unable to attend, sent a note about current school events.
Parent Teacher conferences March 6th and 7th and book fair at the elementary and middle school. Otherwise, spring around the corner.
Spring break is March 13-17.
Teresa Heater spoke on behalf of Valley Ridge Elder Care and announced plans are underway for another BINGO night, this time on Saturday, April 15th.
Next Meeting April 3, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Adjournment 7:33 pm.
February 2023 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting February 6, 2023
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Dr. Kelly Arnberger, Jeff Cox, Allison Everhart, Sunni Goentzel, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Cindy Lawrey, River Shields, and Deborah Waggoner Guest Annette Simpson
Minutes December 5, 2022 minutes
Financial Report Cindy Lawrey, the treasurer, gave the financial report.
Approval of Financial Report and Minutes Cindy Lawrey motioned to accept the financial report as stated and the minutes as read. Sunni Goentzel 2nd. Motion passed.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, Secretary, reported no updates in the last month.
Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association Conference Allison Everhart, President, reported on the January 27-29 conference in Topeka. The team learned a lot and hope to implement some of the knowledge for the 2023 Downtown Festival and into the future. Allison thanks the Chamber for allowing the group to attend.
Bingo Fundraiser The Chamber and Valley Ridge Elder Care BINGO fundraiser on Saturday, February 4th, went amazing. Cindy has completed a bingo report with the state. Plans for the next fundraiser will include outdoor signs. Ideas for improvement were briefly discussed.
Festival Signage Annette Simpson, Festival Chair, reported the large Downtown Festival signs were being updated. Plans to purchase no parking and blank signs to be customized were underway. The crossroads sign is getting a new paint job and updated events.
Other Signage Julie Gooch is looking into costs for a wrap. David Heater and Cindy are researching rules involving permanent signage.
Review of January Meeting Allison reached out to Robin Macy, asking if she wanted to discuss Art in the Arb in March or April. The details of the BINGO Fundraiser were outlined. A big topic was the need for Chamber members to be more involved in Chamber events and activities.
Downtown Festival Update Annette spoke of the recent wrestling fundraiser. Saturday, February 4th at the Kansas Star. Looking for volunteers to help with concessions during the next wrestling event in early March. The next festival planning meeting is February 15, 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
City closed Monday, January 30th on the purchase of 14.4 acres of land on the south side of 90th Avenue North, approximately a half mile east of the city limits.
Dr. Kelly Arnberger noted at the end of February, the school will host sub-state basketball. He is optimistic for both the high school boys' and girls' teams to place well.
February 20th is Presidents’ Day. No school.
Dr. Arnberger noted that the end of the middle school basketball season was mid-January. To fill the gap between the end of basketball and the start of track, middle school students are participating in weight training three days a week.
Legislative season is in full swing in Kansas and education is a high-ticket item. With several bills being thrown around the House, Dr. Arnberger is speaking with legislators and working to protect and grow the great school system we have in Belle Plaine.
Belle Plaine Public Library The library will be having its annual book sale during Belle Plaine’s Downtown Festival on Saturday, April 8th. June 2nd begins the summer reading program. Blind date with a book is ongoing through Valentine’s Day.
Next Meeting March 6, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Adjournment 7:20 pm. Teresa Heater motioned and Jeff Cox seconded.
January 2023 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting January 2, 2023
Per the December 6th, 2022 Chamber meeting notes:
January 2, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center. A brainstorming and planning meeting. Likely be an informal meeting to work on the 2023 schedule of activities, speakers, and more.
There was not a formal call to order. December Minutes and Financial reports will be given at the February 6th meeting.
Speakers A list of six potential speakers was developed that included several local organizations. It was noted that an invite has been extended to the Bartlett Arboretum to discuss the upcoming Art in the Arb event during either the March or April Chamber meetings.
Bingo Saturday, February 4th at 6 pm at the High School Commons the joint fundraiser with Valley Ridge Elder Care. Details involving prize donations, promotion, volunteers, and other needs were reviewed.
Upcoming Events and Activities The main topic was the upcoming Downtown Festival and the need for volunteers to help for an hour or two during the Friday and Saturday Festival. Chamber members are encouraged to volunteer at the Chamber Booth.
There was a brief discussion of other annual events and activities and the need for volunteers and organizers to ensure they continue into the future.
Next Meeting February 6, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
December 2022 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting December 5, 2022
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Dr. Kelly Arnberger, Bill Berry, Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Allison Everhart, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Carol Hisken, Cathy Sheets, River Shields, and Deborah Waggoner Guest Monica Shelden
Minutes November 7, 2022 minutes
Financial Report Jeff Cox, vice president, gave the treasury report on behalf of the treasurer, Cindy Lawrey, and reported a $14,418.67 beginning balance and a $15,520.91 ending balance.
Approval of Financial Report and Minutes Teresa Heater motioned to accept the financial report as stated and the minutes as read. Jeff Cox 2nd. Motion passed.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, Secretary, suggested adding a Chamber event page and encouraging the creation of event planning committees for the 4th of July, Halloween, and the Christmas Celebration.
Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association Allison Everhart, President, stated we have joined and will be on their event calendar. Waiting for an agenda to the convention to know who intends on going. Their 2023 convention is January 27–29 in Topeka.
Groundhog Pancake and Sausage Feed A joint fundraiser with the Historical Museum and Chamber. Dr. Arnberger offered to help flip pancakes. Tentatively planned for Saturday, February 4th, 7–11 am at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Bingo Fundraiser The Chamber and Valley Ridge Elder Care are planning another BINGO Fundraiser. Saturday, February 4th at the High School Commons. Doors open at 5 and games start at 6.
Christmas Celebration Event was a success Discussed moving the event to a weeknight. Dr. Arnberger suggested getting the change on the school calendar. Teresa moved to put the tree lighting on the Thursday following Thanksgiving. November 30th, 2023. Carol Hisken 2nd. Motion passed.
Signage Rolling item. Getting costs of the original sign.
Parks and Rec Looking for basketball team sponsors. The Chamber discussed sponsoring a team. Dr. Arnberger made a motion to pay the $100 fee and Cathy Sheets 2nd. Motion passed.
Police Chief Bill Berry reported that November 30th was the official start date of the quiet zone. Acclimation time is needed for the engineers to remember not to blow the whistle.
The Belle Plaine Police Department is tentatively scheduling a pet chipping and vaccination clinic on May 6th, 2023 in the Morley Field parking lot. $15 microchipping per pet. Vaccinations include Rabies $15, Parvo-Distemper $20, Kennel Cough $20, and Feline-Distemper $20. The BPPD will be purchasing a universal chip reader.
2023-24 will see plans to rebuild highway K-55 through Belle Plaine, with the addition of sidewalks from Line to Logan. After the Highway K-55 project is complete, a walking path at Watson Park will begin.
New park equipment will be funded through grants by the Belle Plaine Community Foundation.
The BPPD has partnered with the schools to identify folks who need help during the holiday season and deliver meals.
December 14th ends Toy Drive for Dollar General.
Dr. Kelly Arnberger reported on the success of the food drive. Students collected 8800 items and earned extra days off in December.
January 3rd is a teacher in-service day. Students return to class on January 4th.
Dr. Arnberger spoke about recent volunteer opportunities for students to help in the community including putting lights up in the park, cleaning up, decorating for the Christmas Celebration, and meal preparation. He appreciates that teachers and students make time to assist with various projects.
Winter assessments are currently going on.
The Tuesday update will discuss robots and the coding of robots as part of the ongoing programs to better engage students. Efforts are in the works for better engagement learning in elementary and middle school students. Educators are looking to build processes to work with companies to do more with science and math. The schools are working to build Industry partners and connections.
Richard Gilson, Belle Plaine High School Principal, received the Kansas Principals Association Area 3 Secondary Principal of the Year Award.
Valley Ridge Elder Care is seeking a thousand donors to donate $1,000 each as part of the big push to meet financial goals. Teresa Heater suggested interested donors can donate through memorials, tax write-offs, and so much more.
Pizza Hut Bill Berry noted that had spoken to the district manager who confirmed the store will be repaired. It takes time to work through insurance claims, contractor schedules, and other details. He said recent Facebook posts encouraging letters to Fugate Enterprises, the franchisee, might be welcome, but plans to repair the local Pizza Hut are confirmed.
The Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Resources offices in Sumner and Cowley Counties are staffed by both WASAC (Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center) and the Wichita Family Crisis Center (WFCC) to provide services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Monica outlined the services provided at the Sumner county office (204 S Washington Ave, Wellington, 24-Hour Hotline 620-440-3700) and the Cowley county office (121 College Street, Winfield, 24-Hour Hotline 620-229-7233). These offices can assist with accessing safety planning, crisis counseling, medical advocacy for rape and forensic exams, court-approved classes including parenting through domestic violence, work with local police departments and sitting with victims, legal advocacy, and therapy services for survivors. Education programs in schools on consent, sexting, and domestic violence.
Services are free and confidential.
Next Meeting January 2, 2022, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center. A brainstorming and planning meeting. Likely be an informal meeting to work on the 2023 schedule of activities, speakers, and more.
Adjournment 7:28 pm.
November 2022 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting November 7, 2022
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Allison Everhart, Tina Friend, Kami Hatfield, David Heater, Cindy Lawrey, River Shields, James Stambaugh, and Deborah Waggoner Guests Matt Hutchison, Annette Simpson
Minutes October 5, 2022 minutes
Financial Report Treasurer, Cindy Lawrey, reported on balances. PayPal totals have been incorporated into the report and are up due to Downtown Festival Vendor registrations. Totals also included the $1,000 Christmas light donation from the City of Belle Plaine.
Cindy noted she is working with the insurance company and underwriter to get the stage and trailer insured. She also discussed plans of renting out the stage in the future, but working out details was tabled until the spring.
Approval of Financial Report and Minutes Tina Friend motioned to accept the financial report as stated and the minutes as read. Sally Cox 2nd. Motion passed.
Chamber Website Deborah Waggoner, Secretary, stated that new members were added to the Chamber member page. The business directory and local organizations were also updated. Members were encouraged to check out the website and make sure their information is accurate and up to date.
Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association Allison Everhart, President, presented the membership form for the Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association. Based on a previous recommendation, the Chamber will pay the $50 annual fee and join the association. Their yearly convention is January 27–29 in Topeka. Several members are planning on attending. Cindy Lawrey motioned for the Chamber to pay the $50 fee and join the association and pay convention attendance fees for up to 4 people in January to attend the convention.
Groundhog Pancake and Sausage Feed The Chamber confirmed Saturday, February 4th as the date of the pancake and sausage feed at the Belle Plaine Community Center. The event will last several hours in the morning. More research into the equipment and setup is required. David Heater stated it was an Oddfellows fundraiser before the Lions Club took over. The Chamber and the Belle Plaine Historical Museum want to continue the tradition. David suggested talking to Dave Armstrong.
Bingo Fundraiser The Chamber and Valley Ridge Elder Care are planning another BINGO Fundraiser for the late afternoon/early evening of Saturday, February 4th. A planning meeting will be scheduled. Jeff Cox, Vice President, says the high school commons are reserved for that date.
Annual Elementary School Halloween Parade Allison Everhart thanked the Chamber members who attended and handed out goody bags. There was a good turnout from the community. Kansas Star Casino donated much of the candy. Historical Museum members prepared the goody bags with candy. Leftovers were given to the police department and fire station to hand out on Halloween night.
October Chamber Mixer The Belle Plaine Public Library, Belle Plaine Global Methodist Church, #goentzelgroup Weigand Realtors, Reimagined - Local Artisans and Vintage Treasures Shop, and Valley Ridge Elder Care all set up displays and had representatives to discuss their businesses and organizations. There was good attendance and discussions about the state of local businesses and the challenges facing the community. A spring mixer is in the works, with the Mystic Kitchen onboard to host the event.
Christmas Lights The City of Belle Plaine donated $1,000 for Christmas lights downtown and upgrades to existing lights. The Chamber will match the City’s contribution and will match up to $1,000 in community donations.
Fundraisers Community activities, donations, events, and more that the Chamber supports are because of fundraisers. Festival committee members and associates volunteer time for fundraisers to support festival events. While the Chamber collects annual dues, fundraisers are needed to support most events and activities throughout the year. Allison encouraged all Chamber members to be more involved in fundraising activities and be responsive to emails asking for volunteers. It was also noted that those bringing projects or activities to the Chamber should be willing to take charge of those projects.
Signage Kansas Star asked the Belle Plaine Chamber to provide four people each night of November 4th and 5th during the National Finals Steer Roping Competition held at the arena to sell souvenir merchandise. Kansas Star offered $100 to the Chamber per person totaling $800. Four Chamber members and family and friends filled the spots.
Allison has asked that the money earned be earmarked for updated Chamber signage. David Heater will investigate costs. The discussion was tabled until the December meeting.
Christmas Tree Lighting And Visit With Santa The event will be held Saturday, December 3rd at the Belle Plaine Community Center. Allison Everhart confirmed that the vocal and band directors assured their participation. There will be a visit with Santa, with help from a team of elves. The Historical Museum will serve a chicken and noodle dinner during the event. The Historical Museum will also be open. There will also be pre-orders of quart and half-gallon chicken and noodles. Reimagined may have a sales room at the community center. The Library will open at 2:30 and provide crafts and cookies for visitors.
A request for a Christmas parade coordinator was made. Without one, there will not be a parade as part of the Christmas event this year.
Chamber Emails During the October Chamber Mixer, there was a suggestion of adding community organizations and churches to announcements and activity emails sent out by the Chamber. No vote was required, and churches and local organizations will be added to emails.
David Heater and Matt Hutchison stated Friday, November 11th, the High School was putting on a special veterans program from 9–10 am at the High School Gym. The National Honor Society will put flags at the cemetery Wednesday, November 9th.
Sally Cox stated that the newsletter Dr. Arnberger mentioned in the October Chamber meeting has had its first issue mailed out to everyone in the school district. The newsletter can also be found on the school website.
With the business meeting concluded, the meeting was turned over to Matt Hutchison, who gave a brief overview of the Bikers Against Child Abuse organization, its mission, background, function, and his role in the local chapter.
- Matt introduced himself. He has been a member for 16 years and is the Vice President of the Kansas Chapter, Public Relations, and Primary to a child.
- He went over the importance of the mission statement and that B.AC.A. exists with the intent to create a safer environment for abused children and to empower them with improved self-confidence, increased feelings of safety, empowerment to testify, a sense of belonging and acceptance, and much more.
- The organization has spread throughout most of the US and Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. There is no recruiting and all members have committed volunteers who go through background checks, a year of membership, training, and riding.
- Their mission is focused on the child. They provide support by assigning two members as the child’s primary contacts. Support is dependent on needs. Some services may include physical presence at the home, visiting the child at school, therapy needs, and so on. B.AC.A. is available to accompany the child to court and parole hearings and stay with them at court when the family cannot due to testifying in the case.
- More information can be found at
Adjournment Allison thanked Matt for sharing information about B.AC.A. and adjourned the meeting at 8:07 pm.
Next Meeting December 5th, 2022, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
October 2022 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting October 5, 2022
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm at the Bartlett Arboretum.
Members Present Dr. Kelly Arnberger, Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Todd Crum, Allison Everhart, Tina Friend, Sunni Goentzel, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Cindy Lawrey, Cathy Sheets, Deborah Waggoner Guests Scott Cyr, Shawn Griffin, Robin Macy, River Shields, and Annette Simpson
Minutes September 5, 2022 minutes
Financial Report Treasurer, Cindy Lawrey, gave the financial report. She noted that PayPal is up due to Downtown Festival Vendor registrations.
Approval of Financial Report Cathy Sheets motioned to accept the financial report as read. Sally Cox 2nd. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes Teresa Heater motioned to accept the September minutes. Sunni Goentzel 2nd. Motion Passed.
Chamber Website and Social Media Update Deborah Waggoner stated updates to the website included two new Chamber members, Reimagined and The Mystic Kitchen, along with several updates to the general Belle Plaine Business Directory. Chamber social media is experiencing growth, and there are plans to build on that.
Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association Plans continue to attend the event in January. Chamber and festival committee members see this as a great networking opportunity and a good resource not only for the Downtown Festival, but other Chamber-sponsored events including the 4th of July, the Halloween Parade, and the Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade event.
Bingo Fundraiser The September 10th joint fundraiser with Valley Ridge Elder Care was successful.
Elementary School Halloween Parade Chamber President, Allison Everhart, has been working with the Elementary school principal and administration to plan the parade and set up safety guidelines. The band will also march in the parade. Chamber members and Belle Plaine businesses and organizations are encouraged to come downtown Monday, October 31st at 2:30 pm to hand out candy. To participate and receive guidelines, interested parties must contact the Belle Plaine Chamber before the October 31st event.
Chamber Bylaws and Membership Changes At the September 5th meeting, the board voted to make recommended changes to the bylaws and membership levels and move to a rolling membership from the previous fiscal year model. New memberships last from the date joined until the same date the following year, with a 90-day grace period to pay annual dues at renewal. The bylaws were updated to remove directors and replace them with members-at-large, as well as update the language and add sections on ethics, committees, and appointments. Dr. Kelly Arnberger motioned to accept all changes to the membership and bylaws. Sunni Goentzel 2nd. Motion passed.
New membership information and bylaws will be posted on the Chamber website.
Bingo Fundraiser The next joint fundraiser with the Chamber and Valley Ridge Elder Care will be on February 4th, 2023. A November planning meeting with both organizations and other volunteers with a date to be determined was discussed. A suggestion to make the event start earlier was made.
Ground Hog Feed The Belle Plaine Chamber and the Belle Plaine Historical Museum plan on having a pancake and sausage feed at the community center on the morning of Saturday, February 4th.
October Chamber Mixer The Chamber is planning a mixer for Tuesday, October 25th, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center. Chamber members and businesses are encouraged to participate and bring information.
Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade The event will be held on the evening of Saturday, December 3rd. The Chamber is working with the schools for decorating the community center and clean up after. An event planning meeting open to everyone will be scheduled in early November.
Downtown and Community Center Christmas Lights Scott Cyr of SJC Lights gave a presentation on lighting buildings downtown and at the community center. Plans were made for Chamber representation at the Thursday, October 6th City Council Meeting to further discuss the light displays and changing from incandescent lights to LED.
A fundraiser was discussed to help fund the costs of lights not only downtown and at the community center but as well as the Belle Plaine Park displays. The Chamber will match up to $2000 in donations for lights. Teresa Heater motioned that we allocate $2000 as matching funds to install and improve the holiday lighting downtown and in the park. Dr. Kelly Arnberger 2nd. Motion passed.
Electric Poles David Heater proposed discontinuing services to two electric poles between the Valley State Bank and the Belle Plaine Historical Museum on the west side. These poles are for Downtown Festival stage use. The Belle Plaine Historical Museum will provide electricity to the stage and equipment during the festival for a small donation from the Chamber. Each electric pole costs $25 a month for a total of $600 in costs annually that will be saved. David Heater motioned for service to be discontinued to the two poles. Tina Friend 2nd. Motion passed. Treasurer, Cindy Lawrey will reach out to Evergy.
President Allison Everhart read City updates supplied by Police Chief Bill Berry who was absent from the meeting.
- An amendment to the golf cart ordinance allowing golf carts to be operated at night will be discussed during the Thursday, October 6th City Council meeting.
- The City has contacted downtown businesses regarding the HEAL Grant. The deadline is October 21st. There will be spring and fall rounds of this grant opportunity. HEAL Grants have to be applied for through the city of a non-profit organization.
- SRO Bateman attended SRO training last week and is in week 5 teaching DARE.
- A new part-time Officer, Esteban Perez, started the weekend of September 24th.
- Coffee With a Cop was October 5h at The Mystic Kitchen. Eight people attended. Plans to do more throughout 2023 and on Saturdays to allow more to attend.
- City-Wide Cleanup is October 8th, 8 am to Noon.
- Drug Take Back is October 29th from 10 am to 2 pm at the Belle Plaine Police Department.
Dr. Kelly Arnberger outlined the busy fall schedule with holiday activities, parent-teacher conferences, sports, and teacher in-service days.
- During in-service, teachers will undergo crisis training taught by area first responders.
- A new journalism program to develop a graphic-heavy digital newsletter to go out to everyone in the school district is in the works. The idea is to help inform the community, whether they have students in school or not, about the ways the school system is working to better engage students in learning.
- During Red Ribbon Week, an FCCLA-sponsored speaker, Jared Estes, will give a talk on the consequences of driving under the influence. The community is invited to attend on October 25th, from 10:30 am to noon. Contact the school for more information.
- Dr. Arnberger expressed his desire to continue building good communication and partnerships with the Chamber and upcoming events.
Christmas Decorating Contest Tina Friend suggested a Chamber-sponsored Christmas house decorating contest this year. The discussion was tabled to be discussed as part of a Christmas celebration planning committee.
Kansas Star Concession Fundraisers Saturday, October 22nd—Third Eye Blind. Fri/Sat, November 4th and 5th—NSFR, 2 shifts each day. Contact if you would like to be a volunteer.
Robin Macy began by thanking the Chamber for moving the October meeting day and place to visit the Bartlett Arboretum. The day was moved due to a fundraiser held every first Monday of the month, Live From The Whistle Stop.
- She began talking about her love of the Bartlett Arboretum and her eagerness to share its beauty with more of the community.
- There is a fresh produce initiative that was inspired after the closing of the town’s only grocery store. Fresh produce is available during concerts and at David’s Diner downtown. David is also cooking with the produce. She is interested in partnering with anyone in the community with ideas to share homegrown, seasonal produce.
- Robin Macy noted that among those in attendance, there were five legacy trees in the arboretum. Every year, more people in the community have trees planted at the Bartlett Arboretum in memory of a family member or as a legacy.
- The Arboretum will host the Derby High School Marching Band in an Armistice Day fundraiser performing military songs. She expressed interest in wanting to work more with the Belle Plaine Schools with an Outdoor Education program.
- Arts, education, and entertainment are important cultural aspects found in the many music concerts, learning opportunities, and art classes at the Arboretum.
- With the Arboretum becoming a member, she is looking forward to partnering with the Chamber.
- Looking to Tulip Time next April, the planting of 40,000 tulip bulbs is underway. April 2023 is proving a difficult schedule for the tulips with a Sunday start of the month and Easter falling the second weekend. The Arboretum’s event runs Saturday and Sunday and is looking to be the third weekend.
- In partnership with the Belle Plaine Public Library, the story walk is being brought back this spring with an alphabet “book” on prairie things.
- Work on an actual written and illustrated alphabet book is also in the planning.
- The Quiet Zone initiative is moving forward, and letters of intent have been sent to complete the Quiet Zone and improvements at the 8th Street crossing and 100th Ave crossing.
- The ongoing drought has brought a lot of difficulties and the need for constant work watering by hose. Some important trees have been lost, but conservation work continues. A healthy limb recently fell due to the drought and destroyed a workshed. Drive and inspiration see it as a place for a needed greenhouse.
- Robin Macy ended with a poem by Margaret Bartlett.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Next Meeting November 5th, 2022, at 6:30 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
September 2022 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting September 5, 2022
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:47 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Allison Everhart, Cindy Lawrey, Deborah Waggoner Guests Logan Cox, Annette Simpson
Minutes August 1, 2022 minutes
Financial Report Treasurer, Cindy Lawrey, reported an $8,779.96 beginning balance and an $8,954.82 ending balance.
Approval of Minutes and Financial Report Cindy Lawrey motioned to accept the minutes and financial report as read. Jeff Cox 2nd. Motion passed.
Chamber Website Update Deborah Waggoner stated updates and minor changes were made. A new online registration form was introduced.
Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association Interest in attending the Topeka event in January by Festival Committee members were shown.
BINGO Fundraiser Vice President Jeff Cox gave an update on the joint fundraiser for the Belle Plaine Chamber and Valley Ridge Elder Care that will be Saturday, September 10 at the High School Commons. Doors will open at 6:00 pm. The games will start at 7:00 pm. Concessions will be available during the event. Flyer distribution and sharing of information on social media are underway. A decision to keep the event cash only with a preference for bills under $20 was made.
Elementary School Halloween Parade The Chamber is working with the school to develop safety guidelines for Belle Plaine businesses that wish to hand out candy. An email will be sent to members with proposed changes and ask for feedback. A vote will follow during the October meeting.
Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade The event is scheduled for Saturday, December 3. Plans to have a stand-alone Christmas event planning meeting are in the works.
Membership Levels and Bylaws Update Proposed changes to language and the addition of member levels include
- Student Membership—$10 Any student in the Belle Plaine School District USD 357 interested in promoting student activities, organizations and clubs, and school events.
- Individual (Non-Business) Membership—$25 Any person who wants to support and promote the community, its businesses, organizations and clubs, and community events.
- Community Partner Membership—$30 Includes any non-profit, community organization, club, church, or not-for-profit. The organization will designate a representative to act on their behalf in matters concerning the Chamber.
- Home-Based Business (No Storefront/No Employees)—$35 Solo entrepreneurs in a residential-based business with no commercial traffic.
- Business Membership—$50 Any business, association, corporation, or partnership. The company will designate a representative to act on their behalf in matters concerning the Chamber.
- Associate Membership—$25 An employee or representative of a Business or Community Partner shall be entitled to the same privileges of regular membership.
Other proposed changes to the bylaws include
- Update the physical location of the business.
- Move to a rolling membership instead of the current Jan 1 to Dec 31 format.
- Add a section to Membership on ethics and conduct.
- Change language to reflect that the Chamber no longer has directors, but officers and members-at-large, referring to them as the Executive Board or Board Members.
- Require four (4) members of the board to make a quorum.
- Raise the limit of disbursed funds without the requirement of a Chamber vote.
- Add an article on committees defining function and limitations.
Cindy Lawrey motioned to make proposed changes to the bylaws with a ratification vote by the Chamber as early as the October meeting. Jeff Cox 2nd. Motion passed. Chamber members will receive a copy of the updated bylaws for review and challenge before the October 5th meeting.
Chamber Sponsored Events Chamber members reviewed a list of current and proposed events for the rest of 2022 and through 2023. Events include
- BINGO Fundraiser—September 10, 2022
- Chamber Halloween Mixer—Tuesday, October 25, 2022
- Elementary School Parade—Thursday, October 27, 2022
- Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade—Saturday, December 3, 2022
- Ground Hog Pancakes and Sausage Feed—Saturday, February 4, 2023 (Proposed)
- BINGO Fundraiser—Saturday, February 4, 2023 (Proposed)
- Belle Plaine’s Downtown Festival—Friday and Saturday, April 7 and 8t, 2023
- Teacher Appreciation Event—First week of May 2023 (Proposed)
- 4th of July Celebration at Morley Field—Tuesday, July 4, 2023
- BINGO Fundraiser—September 2023
- Elementary School Parade—October 2023
- Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade—Saturday, December 2023
Proposed events will be presented in future meetings.
Atlanta KS Labor Day Celebration Cindy Lawrey discussed her experience at the celebration, noting how the crowds remained following the parade to enjoy various events. She shared her observations of the vendor fair and other activities.
October Meeting Chamber President Allison Everhart reminded members that the October Chamber meeting will be held Wednesday, October 5, at 6:30 pm at the Bartlett Arboretum. Robin Macy will follow a short business meeting as the speaker for the evening. The public is invited to attend.
Fundraisers Friday, September 23—The Oak Ridge Boys at Kansas Star Casino, Saturday, October 22—Third Eye Blind, Kansas Star Casino
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm. Jeff Cox motioned and Cindy Lawrey 2nd. Motion passed.
Next Meeting Special date and location. October 5, 2022, at 6:30 pm at Bartlett Arboretum.
August 2022 Meeting
Belle Plaine Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Meeting August 1, 2022
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm at the Belle Plaine Community Center.
Members Present Allison Everhart, Bill Berry, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Deb Waggoner, Cindy Lawrey, Curtis Goentzel, Sally Cox, Jeff Cox, James Stambaugh, Dr. Kelly Arnberger Guest Annette Simpson
Minutes May 2, 2022 minutes
Financial Report David Heater, the treasurer, reported beginning and ending balances. He stated all Downtown Festival expenses are paid out, including costs for the purchase of a trailer to store the stage.
Approval of Minutes and Financial Report Motion made by Cindy Lawrey, 2nd by Teresa Heater to accept minutes and financial report as written; passed.
New Businesses Plans were discussed to reach out and welcome new businesses in town and offer one year of free Chamber membership.
October Meeting Robin Macy has offered to host a Chamber meeting at the Bartlett Arboretum. Tentative meeting plans for October 3rd; the date will be confirmed. She has also requested to be the speaker at the March 2023 meeting to discuss the Art in the Arb event.
Kansas Fairs & Festivals Association Membership Tabled until November.
Changeover of Officers Nominations were made in May. Teresa Heater moved that Allison Everhart remain President and elect Jeff Cox as Vice President, Cindy Lawrey as Treasurer, and Deborah Waggoner as Secretary. Dr. Arnberger seconded and amended the motion to make David Heater and Curtis Goentzel members at large. Bill Berry seconded. Passed.
David Heater motioned for the four officers to be added to the Chamber checking account and safety deposit box and remove all non-officers from the bank list. Curtis Goentzel seconded. Passed. Copy of the minutes will be given to Valley State Bank.
Downtown Festival Update Annette Simpson reviewed focus meetings and Festival schedule changes. The Festival will be on April 7th and 8th, the Friday and Saturday of Easter weekend. The Festival will stay on the 2nd weekend of April due to scheduling conflicts with larger events.
A trailer was purchased for the storage and transportation of the recently gifted stage. Stage storage and exterior advertising were discussed. Stage rental was discussed with a need to determine rental prices, travel expenses, along with procedures for lending out to other events and venues. The stage is versatile and can be set up in any 4x4 variation to be larger or smaller as needed. Curtis Goentzel said a rental agreement would need to be set up by a lawyer.
Chamber Sponsored Holiday Events 4th of July went off with a bang. After a brief review and thanking everyone who made the night shine including the Boy Scouts, Rothgebs, BPJL, and Cecil Beaman. The sound was an issue and plans to tie in the new receiver to the sound system were made for next year. A 4th of July Celebration planning committee was suggested.
Allison Everhart has offered to chair the annual Chamber-sponsored Elementary School Halloween Parade. This will include working with the BPES principal and lining up the marching band for the parade. Belle Plaine Chamber members and businesses will be encouraged to participate in handing out candy.
The Christmas Tree Lighting and Parade event, scheduled for December 3rd, was discussed. The Belle Plaine Historical Museum has offered to provide the feed. The Chamber wants to create a committee to organize the event and is looking for a chairperson.
Bingo Fundraiser The Chamber and Valley Ridge Elder Care, Inc. are working on a joint bingo fundraiser. The event is tentatively scheduled for September 10th at the High School Commons. Doors will open at 6:00 pm and start at 7:00 pm. This is the first of two events and proceeds will be split 50/50 between the two organizations. Jeff Cox and Tina Friend are organizing.
Jeff Cox asked that the Chamber provide start-up funds for the purchase of prizes, supplies, and concessions. Sally Cox motioned and Curtis Goentzel 2nd. Motion passed.
Police Chief Bill Berry gave an update on National Night Out, Tuesday, August 2nd from 5:00–9:00 pm at Belle Plaine Park. Free food and swimming during the event. Local churches providing treats, several community organizations will be in attendance, and information about emergency/help resources will be shared.
Other updates included the D.A.R.E. Fireworks sale was a huge success. Funds will support the D.A.R.E. Program, National Night Out, and other public events. On October 5th will be Coffee With A Cop, a national program to meet and visit with local law enforcement.
Theft cases have been minimal of late with political signs being the majority of thefts. The tornado warning siren tests will return to a once-a-month schedule starting in August.
Cox Communications has announced they are coming to Belle Plaine. Plans were made to reach out and see if they want to speak at a future Chamber meeting.
Open enrollment has begun for the 2022-2023 school year. Dr. Arnberger gave a brief review of budget issues and the addition of project-based learning programs. USD 357 added six new teachers but is still looking for paraprofessionals for special education.
Dr. Arnberger announced the opening of Dragon Daycare, a family program that can earn participating students up to 18 credit hours from Cowley and aid in teacher recruitment retention.
Valley Ridge Elder Care, Inc. Allison Everhart gave an update on behalf of Teresa Heater for the Valley Ridge Elder Care informational dinner held on July 23rd.
September Meeting falls on Labor Day. The Chamber elected to have the meeting. Lining up meeting speakers, upcoming holiday events, and Chamber updates will be addressed.
Kansas Star Concession Fundraisers Friday, September 2nd—Brantley Gilbert. Contact if you would like to volunteer.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm. David Heater motioned, and Dr. Arnberger 2nd.
Next Meeting September 5, 2022, 6:30 pm at Belle Plaine Community Center
May 2022 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce
Monday, May 2, 2022, 6:30 PM
Belle Plaine Community Center
Attendance Allison Everhart, Deb Waggoner, Tina Friend, Cindy Lawrey, Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Kelly Arnberger, Annette Simpson, Bill Berry, David Heater
Minutes from April 4, 2022
Treasurer’s Report Treasurer reported balances. Still have (2) outstanding festival bills
Cindy moved and Deb seconded to accept minutes and financial report as written; passed
- Website update; Webhosting cost $640/3 years; renew URL contract approx. $120
- Festival wrap-up; new events successful—porch parade and beer garden
- Meeting at Arb; suggested Sept meeting, but on an alternate Monday
- Kansas Fairs & Festivals Association Membership; convention January 6-9, 2023, $50 membership
- Citywide garage sales; June 10-11
- The changeover in Chamber Officers; nominate in May, vote in June, installed in July
- Nominations
- President—Allison Everhart
- Vice-president—Jeff Cox
- Treasurer—Cindy Lawrey
- Secretary—Deb Waggoner
- Nominations
Also, need 2 board members-at-large nominations
City News
- April 29th had (24) car burglaries (no forced entries); one perp was arrested but lack evidence to convict
- Pursuing untagged vehicles & pet licenses
- Drug Take-Back had 17 persons turning in 36 ½ lb
- C-Click grant and state will provide funds for the sidewalk on the south side of Highway 55/4th Street from Line to Logan
- Officer Teresa Bates in week 4 of 14, scoring high
School News
- Karen Goupal, Marla Morley, Dee Moran retirement May 18
- Commencement May 14
- Field trips, activities, and assessments wrapping up
Other News
“A Mural Movement” presentation by Cindy Lawrey
- Showed slides of several towns that had murals
- Different cities raised funds by asking alumni to be donors and making stickers of murals to sell
- Donations could be in “in-kind”, i.e. equipment loans, building, paint, supplies
- Saturday, June 4—7 am-3 pm Kansas Star (wrestling?)
- Sunday, June 5—8 am-2 pm Kansas Star (wrestling?)
- Friday, July 15—7:30 pm-?? Kansas Star (Big & Rich)
Adjourn Bill moved and Jeff seconded
Next meeting June 6, 2022, at 6:30 pm at Belle Plaine Community Center
April 2022 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce
Monday, April 4, 2022, 6:30 PM
Belle Plaine Community Center
Attendance: Carol Hisken, David Heater, Sally Cox, Jeff Cox, Allison Everhart, Deb Waggoner, Cindy Lawrey, Tina Friend, Jim Stambaugh, Bill Berry, Kelly Arnberger, Curtis Goentzel, Sunni Goentzel, Scott Cyr, Todd Crum
Minutes: Minutes from March 2022
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer reported balances.
Carol moved and Sunni seconded to accept minutes and financial report as written; passed
- Library donation for Jefferson Knapp books was processed
- Festival updates
- FM transmitter acquired
- Caldwell Czech Chapter food/beer truck was officially approved by the city council
- Mulvane EMS will be on site
- Street barricades in place
- Robin Macy to speak at a future chamber meeting, possibly May 2
NEW BUSINESS—No new business
City News:
- Citywide cleanup had a good turnout
- Crime is on the slight increase; LOCK YOUR DOORS AND CARS
- Survey crew on 4th Street/Highway 55 for C-Clip project
- Drug take-back will be April 30 from 10 am-2 pm
- Officer Teresa at the academy, will be there for a total of 14 weeks
School News:
- Prom coming up, April 23, 2022
- USD 357 in 5th-year review for accreditation cycle
- Is curriculum relevant to times
- Looking at the social/emotional learning environment
- Saturday, April 10—Boyz to Men (we bailed on this one)
- Friday, July 15th @ 7:30 pm—Kansas Star Big & Rich
Any Other News:
Adjourn: Tina moved and Cindy seconded
Next meeting May 2, 2022, 6:30 pm at Belle Plaine Community Center
March 2022 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce
Monday, March 7, 2022, 6:30 PM
Belle Plaine Community Center
Attendance: Sunni Goetzel, Todd Crum, Deb Waggoner, Allison Everhart, Annette Simpson, Jeff Cox, Carol Hisken, David Heater, Teresa Heater Sean Griffin, Cindy Lawrey, Tina Friend
Minutes: Minutes from February 7, 2022
David moved and Jeff seconded to accept minutes with corrections; passed
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer reported balances and upcoming costs.
Carol moved and Deb seconded to accept the financial report as written; passed
- Trailer for the donated stage; back burner search till after the festival
- Chamber mixer February 10; attendance was less than October, considering July social/hamburger feed
- Website update
- Festival updates
- Beer garden; city permit to be voted on at council meeting March 7; venue okayed
- Inflatables—no carnival
- Volunteer group up and running
- Mulvane EMS will have a health check station
- Motion to purchase two (2) first aid kits for chamber use; Tina moved Jeff seconded; passed
- Elementary school donation request to purchase Jefferson Knapp books; Teresa moved to donate $140/40 books, Tina seconded; passed
- Arboretum; invite Robin to speak at chamber April 4; have Doodlebug stop at Arb
City News:
- Citywide cleanup on March 19
- New FT officer
- Did not get a grant for the walking path at Watson Park
School News:
- Parent/teacher conferences currently happening
Any Other News:
- Town Mural presentation—Cindy Lawrey; tabled for future meeting
February 2022 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce
Monday, February 7, 2022, 6:30 PM
Belle Plaine Community Center
Attendance: Allison Everhart, Bill Berry, Kelly Arnberger, Sunni Goetzel, Matt Hutchinson, Deb Waggoner, Annette Simpson, Jeff Cox, Sally Cox, Teresa Heater, David Heater, Cindy Lawrey, Dacia Tornedon
Minutes: Minutes from February 7, 2022
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer reported balances and upcoming costs.
David Heater moved to accept minutes and financial report as written, seconded Sunni Goetzel; passed
- January meeting was an informal meeting with Allison mentioning scheduled speakers for the next few months. Any speaker ideas are welcome.
- Heal Grant for Belle Plaine Museum was not received as the application was incomplete – no-bid information was gathered from area construction companies.
- Trailer for the stage – Jeff Cox is actively looking for a 16’ enclosed trailer in the $5k budget. Motion made by Sunni Goetzel to secure an enclosed trailer for approximately $5k but with consideration of trailers up to $6K. Matt Hutchinson seconded.
- The next Mixer is Thursday, 2/10, 6:30 – 8:30.
- Chamber Website has been updated – a reminder that all Chamber businesses should check their listing for corrections.
- Cindy Lawrey details info on the possibility of Caldwell Czech Chapter to have a food/adult beverage (beer) trailer. And moves that David Heater be given the approval to pursue insurance/liability policy and any other fees associated with this addition to the Festival in April. Deb Waggoner seconds.
- The next City Council Meeting will be on February 17th. Annette Simpson to discuss the details of the Festival with the Council. Annette explained there will be no carnival again this year due to conflicts with the current carnival vendor. Inflatables will be at the Festival again, Cornhole Tournament for Saturday afternoon. Possibility of a Tomahawk truck or Bowling Truck for other entertainment options.
City News:
- Bill Berry reports recent snow removal went well. City elections Bryan Nolen remains President. One position is still open at the PD with one possible candidate in the process. City-Wide Clean-up to be held on 3/19 from 8 a.m. to noon.
School News:
- No school last week. Homecoming next week, make-up games due to weather, and Covid (for the other teams). Covid cases are on the decline, other seasonal ailments, the staff is good.
Any Other News:
- Fundraiser – Lee Brice 2/26 at Kansas Star
- Dacia Torneden – Traveling CPR, LLC – been operating for 4 years, daycares, medical professionals, first aid, CPR. Like to teach a minimum of 3 but no more than 10. Certifications received at the end of the day’s course. 9-10 minutes for an ambulance to Belle Plaine, PD obviously much quicker and has a defibrillator.
Adjourn: who? moved and who? seconded
Next meeting March 7, 2022, 6:30 pm at Belle Plaine Community Center
To be on agenda: Cindy Lawrey – Murals of Clay Center
December 2021 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce Minutes
Monday, December 6, 2021, 6:30 PM
Belle Plaine Community Center
Attendance: Allison Everhart, Bill Berry, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Deb Waggoner, Kelly Arnberger, Cindy Lawrey, Cathy Sheets, Sunni Goentzel, Doug Hisken, Sarah Sipe, Scott Cyr, Jeff Cox, Annette Simpson, Darrin Rothgeb, Nicole Campbell, Tina Friend
Minutes: November 3, 2021
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer reported balances and upcoming costs.
Cathy moved and Teresa seconded to accept minutes and financial report as written; passed
- Membership drive—combined chamber and festival to stuff mailer; will do promotional posters
- Tree lighting ceremony/open house recap—museum chili feed sold out of food; comments that parade could be earlier
- Porch/Yard contest (Cindy)—for the festival; solicit garden centers to donate prizes
- HEAL nomination letter (Cindy)—Historic Economic; get a letter from Mayor to benefit the museum and other downtown buildings
- Festival News—considering beer garden, maybe using Caldwell Czech food truck
City News:
- Sidewalk/walking path at Morley Field being planned
- Implementing emergency water bill assistance; DCF program
- Library facelift
- QZ is still on track (snicker) for December 15
- Coming soon; FT and PT officers
School News: 5 cases of covid, down from 9, in the district at this time.
- Operation Compassion collected 8200 items
- Finishing accreditation (process cycle) this year of Culture of Curiousity
- Consider moving tree lighting and Santa to Thursday, December 1, 2022
Any Other News:
- Speaker/Valley Ridge Elder Care; Doug Hisken
- SJC—54 students and 3 teachers helped set up the park; it will cost $996 to convert downtown lights to LED and $350 to add 5th Street, plus $1200 repeat from this year, a total of $2456 needed in 2022; businesses could sponsor displays; city donated ½ one year (what year?); perhaps put on September or October 2022 agenda wish list to give funds.
Meeting in January: Yes, to make the 2022 calendar
Teresa moved, Nicole seconded; passed
Adjourn: Deb moved and Tina seconded
- Saturday, January 8th—Kansas Star Brian McKnight
- We will need at least events to benefit the stage trailer
Next meeting January 3, 2022, 6:30 pm at Belle Plaine Community Center
November 2021 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce Minutes
Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 12:00 PM
David’s Diner
Attendance: Allison Everhart, Bill Berry, Deb Waggoner, Cindy Lawrey, Teresa Heater, David Heater, Kathy Gann, Sunni Goentzel, Curtis Goentzel, Kelly Arnberger, Nicole Campbell, Tina Friend
Minutes: October 6, 2021 minutes
Treasurer’s Report:
- Treasurer announced opening balances and incoming expectations with the rapidly approaching festival season
- Teresa moved and Cindy seconded to accept minutes and financial report as written; passed
- David moved to pay SJC Lights $1200 for Christmas lights downtown; Deb seconded; passed
- Membership drive: clarified requirements for first year free membership for businesses; if prior to July 1 till end of current year; if after July 1 till end of upcoming year. Tina moved and Bill seconded; passed
Mailer will be going out soon
- Halloween recap: good turnout. Elementary principal limited candy distributors to Chamber and businesses
- Mixer recap: it was a success. Cindy moved and Deb seconded to hold another one February 10, 2022 6:30-8:00pm; Sunni seconded: passed
- Tree lighting ceremony will be December 4; parade at 6 pm, tree light at 6:30; Santa 5-5:30 and 7-8; George Liebegott will be Santa
City News:
- Quiet Zone should be implemented at Highway 55 crossing December 15.
- Walk bridge on Friend Street almost complete.
- Water project for new water treatment plant and water tower continues, projected to be complete in 2024.
- New part time officer, Lantz Bateman: a new fulltime, Prida Poulima, starting November 9. Teresa Bateman made fulltime; Craig Divoll made assistant chief. .
- City wide cleanup success, 4 ½ dumpsters filled.
- Drug take back low turnout; 36.6 # taken back
- Patrol vehicle vandalism
School News:
- 5 cases of covid in district at this time.
- Conferences last week
- Winter activities starting
- Play in December
- Strategic planning—“Promoting a Culture of Curiousity”; communication improvement; looking at facility improvement needs.
Any Other News:
- VREC passed 100K in donations
- Tina will look into lighting contest
- Upcoming fundraisers:
- Friday November 12 Pizza Hut (festival)
- Friday November 12 Kansas Star (NFSR Rodeo)
Adjourn: Teresa moved and Deb seconded
Next meeting Monday, December 6, 2021 6:30pm at Belle Plaine Community Center
October 2021 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce
Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 12:00 PM
Belle Plaine Community Center
Attendance: Allison Everhart, Bill Berry, Deb Waggoner, Cindy Lawrey, Teresa Heater, David Heater, Kathy Gann, Curtis Goentzel, C.J. Carey, Kelly Arnberger, Tina Friend
Minutes: September 1, 2021 minutes
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer reported balances and upcoming costs
Teresa moved and Cindy seconded to accept minutes and financial report as written; passed
- Red Wheel final report $724.45 profit
- Membership drive: flyer was made pdf fillable. Will do FB posts. Blurb will be put in next City quarterly mailout.
- Halloween: (250 students) parade Thursday October 28 at 2:30. KS Star donated candy, City will provide trick or treat bags, SKT will hand out glo necklaces. Need volunteers to pass out candy.
- Changing meeting time: Deb moved and Cindy seconded to move Chamber meeting to 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 PM, starting December 6, 2021; passed
- Mixer: Cindy moved and Deb seconded to hold on October 26 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM. open to all, Halloween theme. Information table, free drawings, need Chamber “advocate”; passed
City News: Quiet Zone construction begun on west entrance to town on K55. 8th Street crossing next
- Work on walk bridge on Friend Street continues.
- Water project for new water treatment plant and water tower is underway, projected to be complete in 2024. Lost two police officers in September but one new one starting.
- City wide cleanup October 16, 2021 from 8 AM to noon.
School News: Zero cases of covid in district at this time.
- Homecoming week, parade on Friday October 27 and November 1 at 5:30 – 8:30 PM, there will be 2 sequential strategic planning meeting, facilitated by Sue Givens of the Kansas Board of Education.
- C.J. reported on new career program that BP schools are partnering with Udall schools. Involves job shadowing, looking for speakers, visit planned from WSU Tech considering holding classes on BP campus for sheet metal, construction science, aviation related classes, and possibly CNA.
Any Other News: community grants for “Healthier You in ‘22” coordinated by the Methodist Church.
Adjourn: Kelly moved and Bill seconded
Next meeting November 3, 2021, noon,at David’s Diner
Sept 2021 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
12:00 PM
David’s Diner
Belle Plaine
Attendance: Allison Everhart, Matt Hutchison, Lonnie Steibens, Deb Waggoner, Monica Barton, Cindy Lawrey, Teresa Heater, David Heater, Annette Simpson, Sunni Goentzel, Tina Friend
Minutes: August 4, 2021 minutes; Teresa moved to accept, Matt seconded, passed unanimously
Treasurer’s Report: David Heater gave the treasurer’s update. He also reports signers to all accounts are updated to current officers
Red Wheel fundraiser; pickup September 15 at BPCC, need to sort & bag
Revisited making membership drive blurb in city’s quarterly mailing, plus doing a separate mailing to all 67013
Halloween; need to determine what day school will do the parade, need photographer for the event, volunteers needed to hand out candy
Community News: N/A
City News: Bill absent, N/A
School News: Kelly Arnberger absent; but report of 9 cases of covid 19 in schools
Any Other News: upcoming Kansas Star fundraiser dates
- September 4-Rock of the 70s/have 8 volunteers
- September 24-Gin Blossoms CANCELLED
- September 25-Air Supply
- November 5-The Commodores
Upcoming Pizza Hut fundraiser September 10 (for Museum)
Adjourn: Matt motioned, David seconded
Next meeting October 6, 2021 at BPCC
August 2021 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
12:00 PM
Belle Plaine Community Center
Attendance: Allison Everhart, Matt Hutchison, Kelly Arnberger, Deb Waggoner, Annette Simpson, Bill Berry, Lonny Stieben, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Cindy Lawrey, Nicole Campbell, Tina Friend
Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: Tina presented minutes and David presented financial report; Tina moved to accept as written, Deb seconded; passed unanimously.
National Night Out—Bill Berry; reported a good turnout, Deb Waggoner did a fabulous job of promoting event. Tina Friend ran donut walk and door prize table; gave out 70 products, ½ dozen donuts, cinnamon rolls from local business Dodgin’ Rolls, mugs, and gift cards. Donors were Krispy Kreme, Dunkin’, Crumbl Cookies, and Dodgin’ Rolls. There were 35-40 prizes for kids and adults given out as door prizes. The Methodist Church gave out cookies, the Baptist Church gave out snow cones and garden produce, the Church of Christ gave out ice cream, 4-H gave out watermelon. A new business, Split Ends, had a booth, as well as social rehabilitation service.
4th of July—Allison Everhart; the Boy Scouts did a good job of running it. Attendance was low, there was discussion of moving it back to football field. David suggested having a softball game.
Chamber website changes—Deb Waggoner; Meet Your Neighbors is new, Business directory was added back in. Deb reported page is done.
Wheat Festival—Allison; this was first time Belle Plaine has been involved. Will meet with Valerie Earl for future involvement, hopefully with more lead time. It was very HOT! The Museum banner was carried, people rode in the DoodleBug; Chamber, Festival, and Museum information was handed out. Considered possibly having something at Sumner County Fair 2022.
Chamber Membership—Split Ends is a new member and receives first year free. Allison and Deb will produce a blurb for Chamber to be included in City’s next quarterly mail out. Teresa moved and Bill seconded to publish minutes on Chamber website and in Belle Plaine News from here on out; passed unanimously.
Bank business—David Heater; past executive officers need removed from checking account and safe deposit box signing authority and new officers need added. Julie Gooch, Shelly Stewart, Jim Sutton, and Michele Enochs need removed and Allison Everhart, Bill Berry, Tina Friend, and David Heater need added. David moved for it to be noted in minutes each year to update signing authority for new executive officers and remove old officers. Matt seconded. After discussion Kelly moved to accept motion as presented; passed unanimously.
Stage—Tina Friend; Stage is here! This was a surprise, because it was scheduled for January 2022, but better early than late. Jeff Cox and crew set it up, it looks great and is very sturdy. Still needs a trailer to store it in, and possibly transport dollies. Another need/want is a shade canopy, and options are being explored for that. David was asked about funds that had been set aside to build a stage; are they still available? Could they be put toward storage and canopy? David was also asked to make sure Chamber has adequate insurance to cover this new asset.
Teresa moved and Matt seconded that Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce accept donation and ownership of stage; passed unanimously.
Fundraising—It was agreed that fundraising efforts would go toward stage needs, for the time being. Cindy moved and Matt seconded; passed unanimously.
Red Wheel Pizza—Allison is coordinating; she will send out order info by email ASAP. She will get delivery date and secure Community Center for pickup.
Kansas Star concessions—Annette gave dates of upcoming events. NEED VOLUNTEERS!!
August 27 6:30-10 pm—Clint Black
September 4—Rock of the 70s
September 25—Air Supply
November 5—Commodores
Halloween—tabled to discuss at September meeting
Community News:
City News: Bill Berry
- maintenance dept; working intersection of 10th and Line. Rebuilding Friend street bridge to Watson Park
city has been approved (after applying several times) for CLIP grant; this will provide funding for new curbing on 4th street/highway 55 corridor through town. This is projected to happen in 2023, in tandem with Arkansas River bridge replacement east of town. - encouraged businesses impacted by Covid to apply for $15,000-$30,000 grants; contact Linda Stinnet at city office for specifics.
- new police officers
Teresa Bateman—full time as of August 1
Jeremy Watts—SRO. He is a 20 year veteran and DARE certified. He was at training first week of August and will be ready when school starts.
School News: Kelly Arnberger
- school starts August 12
- August 9-10-11 planning and pre-service for staff
- also on these dates from 11am-1pm, food trucks will be in high school parking lots, and will be open to community.
- will continue the Google Meet on Tuesdays at 4pm
- working to keep pandemic in reasonable perspective; recommending vaccine and mask, but not requiring unless Governor and/or school board rule otherwise.
- 29 staff members are trained in Pathways to Reading program which promotes age 0-9 Learn to Read, age 9-lifetime Read to Learn.
- C.J. Carey is on board as an advocate/ambassador for post-secondary success. He will work with seniors on secondary education, vocational training, and apprenticeship opportunities. He will also be partnering with Udall. More info to come.
- Kelly has very high hopes for USD 357 and the community of Belle Plaine.
Any Other News:
Lonny—work continues combining TVT and SKT; company will be known as SKT
Teresa—Valley Ridge Elder Care (VREC) received a $12,000 donation from a family group; working on transferring land site ownership to VREC; application to community tax grant to raise 10% still needs more funding.
Cindy—will visit Clay Center KS Sampler August 24, to learn about municipal murals and bringing art and artists to town. Needs to be on September agenda NEW BUSINESS.
Adjourn: Teresa moved to adjourn, Bill seconded
Next meeting September 1, 2021 at David’s Diner, 12pm
If you have any questions, please email
June 2021 Meeting
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
12:00 PM
David’s Diner
Belle Plaine
Attendance: Allison Everhart, Bill Berry Ron Pomeroy, Lonnie Steibens, Cindy Lawrey, David Heater, Teresa Heater, Tina Friend, Michele Enochs, Deb Waggoner Annette Simpson.
Minutes: June 2, 2021—Bill moved and Michele seconded to approve minutes. It passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Monies received were mostly associated with Festival, but included membership dues and tips from volunteering at Casino event. Expenditures were all associated with Festival.
National Night Out—August 3, 2021 / 5-9 PM—Bill Berry is going to reach out about boat or dog demo. He is going to contact church groups to have booths. Annette provided a contact for a DJ. Also planning a cake or donut walk; Tina volunteered to round up donuts. Proposing to have drawings, need prizes and method to give away.
4th of July—Bub Rothgeb is providing fireworks; Boy Scouts will do games/activities for a donation; allow Chamber budget of $250 to buy prizes. Teresa moved to allow these expenditures, David seconded, passed unanimously.
Chamber Website changes—Deb Waggoner; proposed changes to GET INVOLVED page, to broaden knowledge of volunteer opportunities in community and a call to action for such. Also, to make sure organization list is up-to-date, and possibly add business directory back in to site. Page update slated to go live in June.
Wheat Festival—Wellington Chamber contacted BP and invited city government/museum/festival to do float entry. Short notice as parade is July 9, registration deadline is July 7. Teresa moved to allow $150 to create float, Bill seconded, passed unanimously.
Lonnie suggested offering free Chamber membership to new members. Teresa suggested getting it in next city mailing. Cindy suggested posting on BP Happenings with link. Teresa also suggested that instead of flowers to new business give them first year free membership.
Cindy proposed creating new FB page, title TBD, and Chamber will be official moderator.
Community News: N/A
City News: Paving is complete, more ditch work needed. Two new hires to PD in May, but one backed out. SKT upped internet speed with minimum cost change. This is because of advanced technology and more fiber optics. There will be a change in ownership.
School News: Transition of new superintendent and other staff will be 1st week of July.
Any Other News: It was decided to have even month meetings at BPCC and order in Pizza Hut and odd month meetings at David’s Diner. Michele moved Chamber not meet in July, David seconded, passed unanimously. Annette requested volunteers for Kansas Star event June 5 / 7AM-4:30PM. David asked for online access to Valley State Bank Chamber account. Michele moved to allow, Bill seconded, passed unanimously.
Adjourn: David moved to adjourn, Bill seconded.
Next meeting August 4, 2021 at BPCC
